Cooldown: 90 seconds
Each Devouring One is wrapped in a cocoon for 2 seconds, gaining 25 armor and unstoppable for the duration. They then hatch into 3 swarmlings each. Hotkeys 1 and 2 select a group of 3 swarmlings respective to the previous devouring one. The Devouring Ones abilities change while in Swarmling Form. Swarmling attack damage is reduced to 40 (+4.0%)
(Q) Metabolic Boost: Applies the same benefits, but the duration is reduced to 3 seconds and the cooldown to 5 seconds.
(W) Cling: Reduce the cooldown to .5 seconds, reduce the spell damage to 40 (+4.0%) per .5 seconds, reduce the movement speed penalty to 2%. A single target can have up to 3 swarmlings at once.
(E) Evasion: [CD: 3 seconds] Swarmlings lose the burrow ability, and instead will leap a short distance away from the central point of all selected swarmlings. (similar to Chen's old Storm, Earth, and Fire ultimate)
(D) Adrenaline Rush: Swarmlings have the same amount of stacks as their parent Devouring One, and continue to gain stacks as normal.
After 15 seconds, the remaining swarmlings move towards the closest central point between them and reform into cocoons, respawning the Devouring Ones based on the number of Swarmlings still living.
1: 15% HP
2: 25% HP
3: 45% HP
4: 65% HP
5: 85% HP
6: 100% HP
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