Doomfist by Steelhead86

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By: Steelhead86
Created: Jul 12, 2021
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The Successor

Doomfist is a Bruiser hero who specializes in closing gaps, disrupting enemy teams, and punishing out-of-position enemies. His gameplay relies on walking a fine line between combat effectiveness and death. He does not use Mana; instead, all of his abilities cost HP.

Doomfist relies heavily on his abilities; his basic attack is a slow, low-damage, medium-range attack.

This is an unbalanced rough draft with no talents. His talents would focus on increasing his damage, knockback, and self-healing, as well as giving him increased survivability in the form of mobility (for example by reducing or removing the slowing effects associated with Rocket Punch).

Combat Trait

Fueled by Pain
All damage dealt by Doomfist is increased by 1% for each 2% of his maximum health he is missing.

Whenever Doomfist deals damage, he heals for 40% of the damage dealt over 5 seconds.

Primary Abilities

Seismic Slam
Cost: 2.5% of maximum HP
Doomfist leaps a short distance and slams the ground in front of him, dealing 115 damage to enemies in front of him and knocking them back slightly.
Rising Uppercut
Cost: 4% of maximum HP
Doomfist launches an uppercut through a targeted enemy, dealing 180 damage and sending both Doomfist and his target into the air for .75 seconds. While airborne, both Doomfist and his target are untargetable and cannot be damaged, are slowed by 80%, and cannot use abilities except Seismic Slam.

If Doomfist uses Seismic Slam, its range and damage are increased by 70% and it can target locations over terrain.
Rocket Punch
Doomfist begins charging his gauntlet, channeling for up to 2 seconds, before launching forward in a devastating punch. While channeling, Doomfist is slowed by 20%, and he loses HP at a rate of 4% of his maximum HP every 1 seconds. Once Rocket Punch is reactivated or the channel finishes, Doomfist launches forwards in a devastating punch. The longer the charge, the greater the range. On impact with a Hero or structure, Doomfist deals 200 damage (plus an additional up to 60%, depending on charge time). Heroes hit are knocked back a distance equal to Rocket Punch's range on cast. If they collide with terrain, they take an additional damage equal to the amount dealt by the initial impact and are stunned by 0.25 seconds for every 1 second Doomfist channeled.

Heroic Abilities

Meteor Strike
After a 0.25 second cast time, Doomfist launches himself in the air, preparing to come down with a fury on his enemies. On landing, enemies in the center take 400 damage and are stunned for 0.5 seconds. Targets in a small range around the landing site take 150 damage and are knocked back.

NOTE: This is a skillshot; Doomfist selects a landing location within a large range on cast, and cannot change landing sites after casting.
Doomfist grabs an enemy, then drags them away from their allies, to dispatch them in private. For 1.5 seconds, Doomfist is slowed by 25%, and is silenced; his victim is stunned for the duration, and is pulled along with him as he moves. After the 1.5 seconds, Doomfist is stunned for 0.5 seconds as he crushes his target in his fist, dealing 550 damage.

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