Sadistic Pleasure
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Passive: Basic attacks against Heroes deal an additional 0.5% of their maximum Health in damage, increased to 1% for empowered basic attacks.
Active: Triple this bonus, but consume 1.5% maximum health per attack for 5 seconds.
Cryos of Agony
Dealing damage to enemy Heroes under the effect of Demonic Freeze increase its movement speed and attack speed slow by 0.5%, up to 10% for 4 seconds. Activation of Demonic Freeze doubles this bonus. After reaching the maximum bonus, increase Demonic Freeze's damage over time by 100%.
Tunneling Claws
Passing through terrain using Wriggle resets its cooldown instead of being able to reactivate it, grants 8 stacks of Undulated Momentum instead of 2, and grants stealth for 3 seconds. Wriggle cannot pass through terrain for 2 seconds after passing through terrain.
Demonic Freeze is disabled while stealthed.
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