Pain causes enemies to deal reduced Physical Damage to you. Damage Reduction is equal to the percentage of their Total Hp blocked by Pain.
Increase Maximum Pain threshold to 50% of Total Hp, but permanently reduce your Total Hp by 200. Health lost does not scale.
Tunneling Things [Z]
Cast an untalented Maggot Spray in the area around you when you surface from Burrow.
Burrow leaves behind a tunnel entrance at it's entry and exit points for 20 seconds. Clicking on either of these points will allow you to reuse the tunnel after a 0.75 second channel. Tunnels can be used once per cast.
Blood Maggots [Q]
Maggots will explode when they expire, dealing half the damage stolen from their host to enemies around them. This also occurs when they are consumed by Duriel.
Parasitic Leech [Q]
Maggots can consume an additional 50(+4%) Damage and also steal 20% of their targets Healing.
Vile Incubation [Q]
If an enemy dies while carrying a Maggot, Maggot spray will be cast in the area around them.
Scent of Blood [Q]
Gain 10% increased Movement Speed for 4 seconds after consuming a maggot. Stacks 5 times.
Cold Carapace [W]
Gain 20 Spell Armor while on Unholy Freeze patch.
Frozen Over [W]
Increase the area by 30%.
Cutting Ground [W]
Enemies take ? damage per second while moving on frozen ground.
Using Unholy Freeze on Iron Ball will Root it for 2 seconds, leaving Shackled enemies unable to move it.
Burning Burden [E]
Iron Ball deals 32 damage per second in the area around it.
Bleeder Ball [E]
The Iron Ball leaves behind a pool of blood for 3 seconds after contacting an enemy Hero. Duriel is healed for 2% of his Total Hp every 0.5 seconds while standing in a blood pool.
Leaden Weight [E]
Increase the size of the Iron Ball by 40% and shackled enemies can't use movement abilities outside of chain length.
Retaliate [Passive]
Increase Basic Attack damage based on how much of your Total Hp you lost within the last 5 seconds, up to 100%. Bonus Resets after landing an attack.
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