Level 1:
(Passive) Power Metal:
Rockstar increases Spell Power and Movement Speed of nearby allied Heroes by 10%. Lasts 4 seconds. This bonus does not stack with itself.
(Passive) Furious Fanbase:
Rockstar increases Attack Damage and Movement Speed of nearby allied Heroes by 10%. Lasts 4 seconds. This bonus does not stack with itself.
(Passive) Block Party:
Rockstar grants nearby allied Heroes 10 Armor for 4 seconds and a stack of Block, granting 50 Physical Armor against the next Hero Basic Attack for 8 seconds, reducing the damage taken by 50%. This bonus does not stack with itself.
(Passive) Groupies:
Rockstar increases healing received of nearby allied Heroes from E.T.C and Regen Globes by 15%. Lasts 4 seconds. This bonus does not stack with itself.
Level 4:
(Q) Crowd Surfer:
Increases Powerslide's Stun duration to 2 sec.
Passive: Allows Powerslide to travel over walls and terrain.
(Q) Double-Necked Guitar:
Increases Powerslide's width by 100% and reduces Physical Armor of enemy Heroes hit by 15.
(W) Face Smelt:
Increases Face Melt's Slow to 45% and it no longer decays.
Level 7:
(W) Pinball Wizard:
Face Melt deals additional 150% increased damage to enemies stunned by Powerslide.
(Passive) Echo Pedal:
Using a Basic or Heroic Ability releases two pulses of 15 (+4% per level) damage. This deals 250% bonus damage to Minions and Mercenaries. The first occurs instantly, the second occurs 2 seconds later.
(Passive) Hammer-on:
After using an Ability, E.T.C.'s next 2 Basic Attacks deal 35% more damage and causes them to spash.
Level 13:
(E) Guitar Hero:
While Guitar Solo is active, E.T.C restores 50% of the damage done by his Basic Attacks to himself and nearby allies.
(Q) Show Stopper:
After using Powerslide, gain 15 Armor for 4 seconds, reducing all damage taken by 15%.
(W) Encore:
Face Melt leaves an Amp behind, which triggers additional Face Melt after 2 seconds. Applies Rockstar.
Level 16:
(E) Aggresive Shredding:
E.T.C.'s Basic Attacks reduce the cooldown of Guitar Solo by 0.75 seconds and increase it's duration by 0,5 seconds, up to 2 seconds.
(Passive) Rockin' & Rollin':
Stunning enemy Heroes with Powerslide reduces cooldown of Face Melt by 1 seconds. Hitting enemy Heroes stunned by Powerslide with Face Melt, reduces cooldown of Powerslide by 1 second.
(Activate) Imposing Presence:
Activate to slow the Attack Speed by 50% and Movement Speed by 20% of nearby Heroes and Summons for 2.5 seconds.
Passive: Heroes and Summons that attack your Hero have their Attack Speed slowed by 20% for 2.5 seconds.
Level 20:
(R1) Tour Bus:
Mosh Pit refreshes the cooldown of Powerslide. E.T.C. can Powerslide during Mosh Pit, which also increases its duration by 2 seconds.
(R2) Crowd Pleaser:
Stage Dive's impact area is 50% bigger, and its cooldown reduction is increased to 10 seconds.
(Passive) Death Metal:
Upon dying, a ghost uses Mosh Pit at E.T.C's location.
(D) Rock God:
Rockstar can stack up to 2 times. Activate to instantly apply Rockstar to nearby allies and reset cooldown of Guitar Solo.
my only problem is with level 4 talent (Q)Double-Necked Guitar- 2 sec aoe easy to land stun is not ok, maybe make it debuff physical/ability armor of enemies hit?