(Melee Assassin) An aggressive bruiser that uses underhanded tactics and swashbuckling to fend off multiple opponents.
There is a lack of pirate-like characters in the roster, and more specifically, a lack of stealthy bruisers. When the idea came to mind, I looked to Edwin's bulky apparel and fighting style and saw him as more of a combative style of rogue, a more in-your-face counterpart to Valeera. So, my simple goal from the get go for Edwin was to encourage one thing: ambush from the shadows and f---ing fight. Stealth is very secondary to his overall design, emphasizing more on his evasion and self-sustain to thrive in fights. He is still at his core a rogue, so I included trickery and foul play into his kit, drawing straight inspiration from the WoW rogue's Outlaw specialization, formerly and fittingly known as Combat. He also still has energy, but as a single resource (in greater bulk) in contrast to Valeera's combo points, in order to not step on those toes. Everything else is almost a 1:1 of various talents and abilities from the aforementioned specialization. *Changed to assassin for now, pending revamp of class system from Blizzard pls*
Hard Difficulty
1925 health
85 basic attack damage
1.8 attack speed
1.4 attack range
200 energy
4% scaling
https://heroeshearth.com/concepts/heroes/Malkav/edwin-vancleef/ talents can be seen here, much prefer the formatting
-Multi-target damage
-High survivability for an assassin
-Strong waveclear and laning
-Strong versus basic attackers
-High crowd control
-Low cooldowns; high front-loaded damage
-Must be able to stay on the aggressive to survive
-Damage output diminishes at low energy
-Mobility is conditional or selected from talents
-Limited spell protection
-Risky to fight without Crimson Brew charges
-Shut down by blinds
-Antiheal shuts down sustain
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