Egon Stetmann's armor rapidly heals him when he hasn't recently taken damage and rapidly regenerates mana when he hasn't recently healed.
Primary Abilities
Blizz Soda
Egon downs his favorite fizzy drink, granting him 80% movement speed for 6 seconds but causes 15 (+5 per level) damage per second.
Ion Shield
Egon shields an ally with a protective layer of specialized ionized gas, protecting them up for up to 600 damage (150 per application, 4 stack maximum). 10 second cd.
Optic Flare
Using his A-13 Grenade Launcher, Egon lobs a flare at target location, blinding any enemy that passes through its radius for 2 seconds. Lasts 3 seconds. 8 seconds cd.
Heroic Abilities
Large radiation cloud around target that deals moderate damage in a medium aoe around the target for 10 seconds.
EMP Shockwave
Large AOE that reveals cloaked enemies, destroys shields, and disables all minions and mercenaries that pass through its radius for 12 seconds.
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