Eresfiel was a proud lieutenant of the Black Shadow Queen charged with defending her floral realm from any foreign threat thanks to her botanical magic.
During the events of the Dark Nexus she was sent to the Dragon Knight's realm with the task of observing and reporting what was happening in neighboring realms.
Following his arrival, he noticed the Raven Lord in a frenzy ravaging the realm, causing total destruction.
It was at that moment that, thanks to his exceptional botanical techniques, Orphea helped a mysterious little girl and the local inhabitants in pain.
Subsequently, outraged by what was happening, she decided to help all the realms without informing the Black Shadow Queen.
This decision cost her dearly...
Unfortunately, while scouting Eresfiel, the Black Shadow Queen came into contact with an object that caused her mental instability and a thirst for hatred.
The Queen, prey to the curse caused by the object, began to use her magic to corrupt all her inhabitants and give rise to herbal mutants.
In the meantime, the lord of the ravens, to continue his work of devastation, sends a spy of the malagurio towards all the realms.
His goal was to...inform all neighboring realms that some servant would likely no longer be loyal to his kingdom.
A few hours later that message reached the ears of the Black Shadow Queen who immediately began killing all those who seemed suspicious to her.
Among those missing from the genocide was one...Eresfiel.
Thanks to the power amplified by the object, the black shadow queen managed to find Eresfiel in the Dragon realm.
Not understanding Eresfiel's actions and with an uncommon anger, he invoked a curse with the ability to annihilate every form of life equipped with magic....
After a few seconds Eresfiel changed, dried up... its magic capable of creating life, corrupted, transforming those who came into contact with it into terrors.
Orpha, having moved into an old rubble building, noticed all this and in desperation, cried for her.
Eresfiel, still lucid and aware that everything could get worse, killed herself....This compassionate and extreme gesture was never forgotten.
Now thanks to the slow powers of Seriel, guardian of life, Eresfiel rises once again on the battlefields of the nexus to do what it could not in the past.
...And you... will you be able to make his name shine in the Nexus?
Health:1600; Life Regeneration:3.2/s; Resource: 6 Corrupted Petals; Basic Attack Range:6.5; Basic attack damage: 100;
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