Level 1:
Deep healing (Q): Quest: Restore 30% health of every allied hero.
Reward: Mana cost of healing surge is redused to 20 and cooldown to 0.75 seconds.
Passive: When you use healing surge on target with 50% health or less its healing increase for 15%.
Powerful spirit (E): Cleanese spirit give Nobundo 10 armor for every removed debuff for 5 seconds.
Unbroken (D): When rest is active the next damage to Nobundo will be redused to 50%.
Level 4:
Graceful spirit (E): When you use cleanese spirit on allied target Nobundo gets the same increase in speed.
Mana increase: Passive: Nobundo have 25% more mana.
Meditation (D): Rest is activated in 3 seconds.
Level 7:
Might storm (W): Thunderstorm is knocking away all the enemies.
Flood (D): If rest restore all mana your next spell costs 0.
Spiritual calm (E): Quest: Reduse 10 debuffs from every allied hero.
Reward: Cleanese spirit give 10% increase in speed for each removed effect and its cooldown is decreased to 4 seconds.
Quest: Gather 15 Regeneration Globes.
Reward: Cleanese spirit restore 127 (+4% per level) healths for each removed effects.
Farsight: Active: Activate to reveal an area for 10 seconds. Enemies in the area are revealed for 4 seconds.
Cooldown 30 seconds.
Level 13:
Air-tightness (D): When rest is active Nobundo's movement speed increases for 2% every second up to 20% for 6 seconds.
Bright lightning (W): Quest: Knock away 2 or more enemy heroes by one thunderstorm 6 times.
Reward: Knocking away is blinding enemies for 2,5 seconds.
Level 16:
Storm elemental (W): Thunderstorm is summon storm elementals for each not knocked enemies. Storm elemental have ranged atack, 1383 (+4% per level) healths, dealing 61 (+4% per level) damage per second to nearest enemy and lasts 5 seconds.
Malestrom (D): If Nobundo's mana ended to 10% or less rest is activated automatically for 3 seconds.
Triggered no more often than once a minute.
Unstoppable tide (Q): When you use healing surge on allied hero with increase of speed from cleanese spirit it becomes unstoppable for 1,5 seconds.
Level 20:
The rained downpour (R1): Cloud is slowly grows up until it disappear.
Inextricable link (R2): Healing surge icreases duration of spiritual link totem for 2 seconds and also heals totem if you use it on affected hero.
Astral recall: Active: After 2 seconds teleports Nobundo on the base.
Can be used while moving.
Cooldown 90 seconds.
Ancestral Spirit: Active: Transforms all dead allied heroes into ghosts. Ghosts start the game on the base, and when the transformed characters are resurrected they appear where their ghosts were at that moment.
Ghosts cannot be seen by enemies.
Cooldown 90 seconds.
Furious storm:: Thunderstorm dealing damage and ****ing away all enemies around Nobundo, but its radius decreased a little bit.
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