Cooldown: 8 seconds When Fenix takes damage he begins to heal for 15hp per second for 2 seconds
Shield Battery
Every 5 seconds Fenix gains a shield for 50 health, these shields will stack to a maximum of 250.
Primary Abilities
Zealot Fenix- Get Down!
Charge an allied hero, pushing them forward.
Cooldown: 12 seconds.
Zealot Fenix- Psi-Blades
Psi-Blades do extra damage on the second consecutive attack on an enemy.
Zealot Fenix- Single Combat
Fenix charges an enemy hero, rooting them in place and forcing them to attack him for 2 seconds.
Cooldown: 10 seconds.
Secondary Abilities
Dragoon Fenix- Burst Fire
Fenix launches a rapid fire of 5 shots to the nearest enemy hero.
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Dragoon Fenix- Battle focus
Fenix gains increased movement speed and extra shield.
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Dragoon Fenix- Vengeance
Fenix detonates his Dragoon, damaging and stunning nearby allies and enemies.
Heroic Abilities
For Our Strength is Eternal
Upon Fenix's death, Upon respawn he is in Dragoon form with new skills. Dragoon form lasts for 180 seconds or until death. Fenix’s death timer starts over as normal on death in Dragoon form and the timer for “For our strength is Eternal” doesn’t start until respawn.
Noble Sacrifice
Fenix leaps towards an ally and switches current health totals provided Fenix has more health, and takes all disables and any DOTs on them.
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