Hardened Shields (W): Progressively less damage from successive attacks means lowering the damage from each single source of continuing damage. If an attacker would hit for 100, the first time Fenix is hit he would suffer 100 damage. The second time that damage would be reduced by a set percent and every subsequent would also decrease by that same percentage until Fenix was not receiving damage at all. If the percent were 10% then it would go 100, 90, 81, 73, 66, 59, 53... and so on until eventually rounding to 0. This happens for each source of damage
individually so if Valla were to fire a Seeking Arrow while her autoattacks were glancing off Fenix's shield then the first hit would strike for full damage but the second and any other bounces that followed would be reduced separately. And if her friend the Butcher came roaring in, his blows would start at full strength, too, and lower at their own pace.
There would be a cooldown for this, so that if Fenix wasn't attacked for a while the damage mitigation would reset and start over again from the beginning.
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