Forgiven Tristia's abilities may inflict one or more stacks of Hopelessness. This status effect cannot be removed, and its effects are cumulative with stack growth.
One stack: No effect Two stacks: Penalty to rolls Three stacks: Reduced healing Four stacks: Incapacitation
Primary Abilities
Forgiven Tristia fires a bolt of light at a target, dealing X damage where X = 2 + 2 per each 6 HP lost. Inflicts one stack of Hopelessness.
Forgiven Tristia attempts to sway a target under her control. The defense threshold depends on the number of Hopelessness stacks inflicted.
One stack: >=250 Two stacks: >=500 Three stacks: >=900
Dejection is removed when the afflicted target receives damage.
Forgiven Tristia inflicts all targets with a stack of Hopelessness. Unavoidable.
Forgiven Tristia launches a sphere of light towards a target, dealing X damage where X = 1 + 1 per each 6 HP lost to the target and others near them. Inflicts one stack of Hopelessness.
Forgiven Tristia lashes at a target with a hardlight whip, dealing X damage where X = 1 + 1 per each 6 HP lost and stunning them for one round. Inflicts one stack of Hopelessness.
Forgiven Tristia attempts to immediately incapacitate a target. The defense threshold depends on the number of Hopelessness stacks inflicted.
One stack: >=100 Two stacks: >=250 Three stacks: >=500
Forgiven Tristia unleashes a cone of light in front of her, dealing X damage where X = 1 + 1 per each 6 HP lost to all targets caught in the attack. Inflicts one stack of Hopelessness.
Forgiven Tristia heals herself for 6 HP. This heal does not count for damage calculation purposes.
Used only when Forgiven Tristia reaches 50% HP.
Forgiven Tristia lets out a sorrowful scream, dealing 2 damage to all targets. Inflicts one stack of Hopelessness. Unavoidable.
Forgiven Tristia chants a sorrowful song, dealing 1 damage to all targets. Inflicts one stack of Hopelessness.
Secondary Abilities
Sanctified Anguish
Only available when Forgiven Tristia is below 50% health. Replaces Anguish.
Forgiven Tristia fires a bolt of light at a target, dealing X damage where X = 2 + 2 per each 6 HP lost. Inflicts one stack of Hopelessness.
Increased chance to be a critical hit.
Sanctified Dejection
Only available when Forgiven Tristia is below 50% health. Replaces Dejection.
Forgiven Tristia attempts to sway a target under her control. The defense threshold is >=900 regardless of the number of Hopelessness stacks inflicted.
Dejection can no longer be removed.
Sanctified Despondency
Only available when Forgiven Tristia is below 50% health. Replaces Despondency.
Forgiven Tristitia inflicts all targets with a stack of Hopelessness. Unavoidable.
Additionally, targets must beat a 500 defense threshold to avoid being stunned.
Sanctified Grief
Only available when Forgiven Tristia is below 50% health. Replaces Grief.
Forgiven Tristia launches a sphere of light towards a target, dealing X damage where X = 1 + 1 per each 6 HP lost to the target and others near them. Inflicts one stack of Hopelessness.
Afflicted targets take an additional point of damage next round.
Sanctified Heartache
Only available when Forgiven Tristia is below 50% health. Replaces Heartache.
Forgiven Tristia lashes a target with a hardlight whip, dealing X damage where X = 1 + 1 per each 6 HP lost and stunning them for TWO rounds. Inflicts a stack of Hopelessness.
Sanctified Heartbreak
Only available when Forgiven Tristia is below 50% health. Replaces Heartbreak.
Forgiven Tristia attempts to immediately incapacitate a target. The defense threshold depends on the number of Hopelessness stacks inflicted.
One stack: >=250 Two stacks: >=500 Three stacks: >=900
Sanctified Lamentation
Only available when Forgiven Tristia is below 50% health. Replaces Lamentation.
Forgiven Tristia unleashes a cone of light in front of her, dealing X damage where X = 1 + 1 per each 6 HP lost to all targets caught in the attack. Inflicts TWO stacks of Hopelessness.
Sanctified Melancholy
Only available when Forgiven Tristia is below 50% health. Replaces Melancholy.
Forgiven Tristia heals herself for 12 HP. This heal does not count for damage calculation purposes.
Sanctified Misery
Only available when Forgiven Tristia is below 50% health. Replaces Misery.
Forgiven Tristia must spend one round charging.
Next round, Forgiven Tristia lets out a sorrowful scream, dealing 4 damage to all targets. Inflicts one stack of Hopelessness. Unavoidable.
Sanctified Sadness
Only available when Forgiven Tristia is below 50% health. Replaces Sadness.
Forgiven Tristia chants a sorrowful song, dealing 2 damage to all targets. Inflicts one stack of Hopelessness.
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