Gabriel Tosh by Chocl8215

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Gabriel Tosh

By: Chocl8215
Last Updated: Nov 13, 2015
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Gabriel Tosh

Renegade Spectre

Health - 800 ( + 120 per level.)

Health Regeneration - 1.4 ( + .2 per level.)

Basic attack damage - 40 ( + 16 per level.)

Basic attack speed - 1 per second.

Mana - 500 ( + 10 per level.)

Mana Regeneration - 2 (+ .15 per level.)

Tosh is designed based off of Nova but meant to offer more utility to the team at the cost of requiring set-up for his burst damage, and not having as many burst damage options. in addition, he lacks a permanent cloak and must spend mana and a long cooldown to go into stealth, which is also his only escape. Tosh's trait forces him to go into lanes for some time to gather regeneration globes, allowing him to feed his terrazine addiction and grow more powerful.

Combat Trait

Terrazine Overdose
Collecting regeneration globes increases Tosh's vision and attack range by 1% per globe, to a maximum of 20 stacks. Tosh loses 1 stack per minute. At 0 stacks, Tosh loses all mana and health regeneration. At 10 stacks, Tosh can see through all obstructing terrain. At 18 stacks, Tosh cannot be Stunned or Silenced. If he would be stunned or silenced, he is instead slowed by 30%.

Primary Abilities

Scoped Shot
Mana Cost: 60
Cooldown: 12 seconds.
Range: Nova's Snipe. Can be slowly changed while aiming like Diablo's lightning breath.

Tosh aims for 0.5 seconds before firing a powerful round that deals 140 ( + 32 per level) damage to the first enemy hero hit. Tosh can remain cloaked for the aim, but is revealed upon firing.
Mind Blast
Mana Cost: 70
Cooldown: 10 seconds.
Range: Nova's Pinning shot.
Area of Effect: Approximately the size of Burning Rage's damage aura.

Tosh overloads his foe's mind with a powerful psychic barrage, stunning them for 0.5 seconds and dealing 80 ( + 9 per level) damage to any enemies near the target. If tosh is cloaked while casting, he is revealed when the stun expires.
Cloaking Field
Mana Cost: 100
Cooldown: 20 seconds.

Tosh activates his cloaking field, granting him stealth for 10 seconds and 20% increased movement speed while cloaked.

Secondary Abilities

Mental Toxin
Ability taken at Level 4.
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Range: Same as Envenom's

Activate to deal 90 ( + 15 per level.) damage over 10 seconds and reduce all ability damage dealt by the target by 10% during the damage effect.
Medicinal Uses
Ability taken at level 7
Cooldown: 60 seconds

Activate to instantly heal 15% of your health at the cost of 3 stacks of Terrazine Overdose.

Heroic Abilities

Voodoo Doll
Mana Cost: 100
Cooldown: 80 seconds
Range: Nazeebo's Ravenous spirit casting range.

Tosh channels his psionic powers, bending a foe to his will for 2.25 seconds. During this time, the enemy hero cannot attack and Tosh controls their movements.
Psionic Lash
Mana Cost: 100
Cooldown: 70 seconds.
Range: Global

Tosh overamplifies an enemy hero's psyche, turning them into a conduit for a blast of shocking power. Tosh selects an enemy hero, who is slowed by 40% for 1.5 seconds. When the slow expires, the target erupts, hitting all other enemy heroes in a large radius around them for 200 ( + 45 per level) damage.

Level 1 Talents

Tracer Rounds - Scoped shot's range and width are increased by 20%.

Jorium Booster - Tosh suffers no ill effects at 0 stacks of Terrazine Overdose, and upon taking this talent immediately gains 5 stacks.

Weak Minds - Mind Blast deals an extra 150% damage to minions and mercenaries, and stuns them for 1 second.

Feedback Loop - After casting mind blast, Tosh gains a stack of block and a stack of dampen magic, taking 50% less damage from the next auto attack and ability he receives.

Moebius Reactor - Reduce the mana cost of Cloaking Field by 40

Level 4 Talents

Mental Toxin - Activate to deal 90 + 15 per level damage over 10 seconds and reduce all ability damage dealt by the target during that time by 10%

Terrazine Therapy. - For each stack of Terrazine overdose, Tosh gains 0.5 health regenration and 0.1 mana regeneration per second. 

Gathering Power

Mind Burst - Mind Blast's area of effect is increased by 25%

Level 7 talents

Executioner's Bullet - Scoped Shot deals an extra 40% damage to slowed, rooted, or stunned targets.

Dazed and Confused - Increase the stun duration of Mind Blast by 50%

Ambush Shot - Tosh's auto attacks deal 100% additional damage if he attacks from stealth.

Medicinal Uses - Activate to heal 15% of your maximum health at the cost of 3 stacks of Terrazine Overdose. 30 second cooldown.

Level 13 Talents

Terrazine Bullet - Scoped Shot's mana cost is removed and its cooldown is reduced by 6 seconds, but removes 1 stack of Terrazine Overdose with every use.

Spectre's Flight - Increase the movement speed bonus while cloaked to 30%

Double-Action - After Scoped shot fires, Tosh MUST fire another round after an additional .5 seconds of aiming.

Headshot - Reduces your ability cooldowns by 4 seconds upon killing an enemy hero. (same as Nova's.)

Terrazine Overload - Activate to increase ability power by 25% for 10 seconds at the cost of 5 terrazine overdose stacks.

Level 16 Talents

That's the stuff. - While under 20 stacks of Terrazine addict, gain an additional stack every time you would gain a stack. Terrazine addict's stack cap is removed.

Pain Enhancer - Mind blast makes the target vulnerable, causing them to take 25% increased damage from all sources for 2 seconds.

Blood for Blood

Secret Agent - Cloaking field lasts an additional 4 seconds.

Level 20 Talents

Da Voodoo Shuffle - Voodoo doll's target becomes unstoppable and moves 30% quicker. After Voodoo doll expires, the target is stunned for 0.5 seconds.

Overwhelming Overload - Psionic Lash's target is silenced for the duration of the slow, and the area of effect is increased by 40%

Bolt of the storm



V 0.1: 
Abilities reworked.
Added base stats
Added mana cost, range, and cooldown of abilities.
Changed Trait to Terrazine Overdose.

V 1.0: Current Version
Fixed a spelling mistake in the character overview.
Added new icons for abilities due to old icons ceasing to function. 
Added timer for pain enhancer talent. (L. 16)
Reworked Da voodoo Shuffle talent. (L. 20)
Slightly buffed Ambush Shot talent. (L. 7)
Slightly buffed Jorium booster Talent (L. 1)
Changed Mental Toxin to only reduce ability damage. (L. 4)
Added secondary ability text for Mental Toxin and Medicinal Uses
Added new talent: Moebius Reactor. (L. 1)

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