Cooldown: 0.25 Seconds
Gold Cost: N/A
Select an allied target to adjust your Gold Flow. Select a target again to cancel the effect. Global range.
Heroes: Weaken - Reduce an allied hero’s health regen by 75%, increase your gold per second by an amount equal to twice the amount the reduced.
Keeps / Forts: Poor Supply Lines - No longer regenerate ammo or reduce movement and attack speed. Increase gold per second by 5. Instantly gain 10 gold when structures under this effect attack a target.
Towers: Sabotage - Destroy 1 ammo every 3 seconds. Gain 3 gold whenever ammo is destroyed.
Healing Fountains: Unfiltered - Increase the cooldown of all Healing Fountains by 20 seconds. Gain 50 gold when an allied Healing Fountain is used.
Footman Minion: Cheap Armor - Reduce the maximum health of all allied Footman minions spawned by 25%. Increase gold per second by 1 per currently alive, effected footman and gain an additional 15 gold when minion waves are spawned with this effect. Effect cannot be cancelled until next minion wave spawns.
Wizard Minion: Immoral Magic - Increase the health and mana gained from regen globes dropped from all allied wizard minions to enemies by 50%. Gain 30 gold when an enemy picks up a dropped regen globe.
Archer Minion: Disarm - All allied Archer Minions spawned can only attack within melee range. Increase gold per second by 1 per currently alive, effected archer and gain an additional 20 gold when minion waves are spawned with this effect. Effect cannot be cancelled until next minion wave spawns.
Catapult Minion: Failed Physics - Reduce the range and splash radius of all allied Catapults by 30%. Increase gold per second by 2 per currently alive, effected catapult and gain an additional 50 gold when minion waves are spawned with this effect. Effect cannot be cancelled until next minion wave spawns.
For Example, if an allied hero is very low on health, I would use Buy! Buy! Buy! a few times to increase the healing of Life Savings and output massive burst heals. If an allied hero just needs his health bar topped off, I would use Sell! Sell! Sell! until I reach the amount of gold I think could top him off with out overhealing too much and wasting gold. It's a pretty complicated system but allows for a higher skillcap and rewards knowledge of the hero.
As for Weaken... This should mostly be used on your full health backline heroes who won't be taking damage anyway, instead you can lower their regen to earn extra gold, which lets you output more healing for tanks and melee heroes. There are many ways people can troll in the game (helping hand) but this is called a Risky Investment for a reason :) (Sorry for such a long explanation, hope this helped clear some things up)
Love the idea and theme!