Hes a combo assassin. Charge in, Root the Target, Push other enemies away to isolate target and then follow up with Cleave for a large stun. Problem is he can be stunned out of it, like anyone else. Which is the reason for Battle Cry, it separates your target from the enemy team.
His trait makes people want to target him first. If I could describe Garrosh with Heroes in game I would call him a Kerrigan - Zul'jin hybrid.
Garrosh if left alone can cause some serious damage, backlines like Li Ming, Malfurion, Kael'thas, wouldn't stand a chance beneath the Gorehowl.
Once enraged, Garrosh would be pretty difficult to stop, extremely difficult without CC. Charge is everything, without it he would become pretty harmless. However Charge is put on a 4 second cooldown with Enrage.
Playing as Garrosh you would probably want to leave once your tantrum is over, because you will most likely have low health. Charge is a skillshot so you can use that as an escape.
Mak'gora is a solid choice against backline, and allows the enemy tank to have no peel. However you must remember that Garrosh gets little to no Rage out while Mak'gora is up, because nothing effects Garrosh but his target. Even ally deaths will not contribute to rage.
Iron Star knocks back all enemies and isolates a single target from it's team. Iron Star is very destructive and powerful, at the cost of a large channel time and cooldown.
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