Basic attacks heals you 2% of his missing health and deals 2% extra damage equal to his previously missing health. While in rage the values are increased to 3%.
Primary Abilities
Cooldown: 4 seconds. Cost: 6% actual health.
Your next basic attack hits twice but each attack deals 75% of its damage. If you are in rage, hits thrice.
Cooldown: 10 seconds. Cost: 20% actual health.
Enter rage for 6 seconds, loosing 25 armor, gaining 40% attack speed and 10% movement speed..
Blood Thirst
Cooldown: 16 seconds. Cost: no.
Your next basic attackheals you 10% of your maximum health as well as it deals 50% extra damage.Heals 15% of your maximum health and deals 75% extra damage if you are in rage.
Heroic Abilities
Cooldown: 60 seconds.
Hit an enemy hero, dealing 350 (+ 4% level) damage. Damage is increased by 1% for each 1% health of the missing target.
Cooldown: 50 seconds.
Raise Gorehowl, fearing and slowing a 30% close enemies for 2 seconds, as well as dealing 80 (+4% level) damage.
Level 1 Talents
[Trait] Warlord Trophies
? Quest:Takedowns grant 0,1% extra values.
? Reward: Upon gaining 1% extra values, you can also activate 'Fierce Axe' to loose 20% of your actual health and afterwards heal yourself 20% of your maximum health for 4 seconds.
[Q] Neverending hits. Reduce cooldown by 2 seconds while in rage.
[W] Fast-paced Combat.
Gain an adittional 10% movement speed for the first 4 seconds.
[Passive] Chieftain's law.
Whenever you hit an enemy hero heal yourself 2% of your maximum health.
Level 4 Talents
[E] Warlord Trophies
? Quest:every time you hit an enemy hero you gain a charge that gives you: heal 0,25% maximum health more with 'Blood Thirst', 0,5% if you are in rage. You loose your charges if you die.
? Reward: upon gaining 5% extra healing while no in rage (10% while in it), you stop loosing charges if you die and your 'Blood Thirst' now deals another 50% extra damage.
[Active] Bleed out.Cooldown: 60 seconds. Deal 250 (+4% level) damage over 5 seconds, as well as slowing him during that time a 10%.
[Q] Sharing agony. Deal damage equal to the health paid to the objective.
Level 7 Talents
[W] Furious sinergy. While in rage, your basic attack reduces your basic abilities cooldowns by 0,5 seconds.
[Active] Smasher throw.
Throw an axe in a straight line, dealing 200 (+4% level) damage to the first enemy it hits. Acts like a basic attack.
[E] Refreshing victory.
If you kill an enemy with 'Blood Thirst'lower its cooldown 10 seconds.
Level 10 Talents
"Already described them."
Level 13 Talents
Work in progress...
Level 16 Talents
Work in progress...
Level 20 Talents
[R1] All or nothing.
You also deal 1% adittional damage for each 1% of your missing health. Heal yourself 50% of the damage done.
[R2] Legacy of Grom. Fear lasts 1 second more and its cooldown is reduced 10 seconds.
[Trait] Nexus axes.
Whenever you hit an enemy hero with a basic attack, gain 15% movement speed for 1 second and increase the damage you deal to that damage by 10% up to a 50% for 2 seconds.
[W] Endless rage. Cooldown: 60 seconds.
When you recieve 25% of your maximum health in less than 2 seconds, you enter "Extreme rage" mode, having its possitive effects as well as gaining 25 armor and not loosing it. The first second of rage you are invulnerable and unstopable.
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