Gazlowe (Talent Rework) by Overpower

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Gazlowe (Talent Rework)

By: Overpower
Last Updated: Jan 22, 2017
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Gazlowe (Talent Rework)

Boss of Ratchet

Gazlowe, the Boss of Ratchet, is a melee specialist hero from the Warcraft universe. Few would consider the diminutive goblin tinkers fighters, but what they lack in height, they more than make up in mechanical cunning. Gazlowe's mechanical exoskeleton is an especially effective war machine - whenever it's working.

Gazlowe specializes in zoning out his enemies and securing areas with Turrets and XPlodium Charges. Can supercharge his Deth Lazor for increased area of effect damage.

Note: This rework is about making Gazlowe more viable without being a total noob stomper in low mmr. in the end there should be a easy build, Poke build and a hard to master build.

Note 2: the numbers and % will be a bit off, but it is more about the idea behind it.

Combat Trait

Destroyed enemy Structures and your Rock-it! Turrets drop scrap. Collecting scrap restores 30 Mana and causes your Abilities to recharge three times as fast over 3 seconds. Activate Salvager to dismantle a target Rock-it! Turret and turn it into Scrap.

Primary Abilities

Rock-It! Turret
(Old)Creates a turret that deals 149 (71 + 4% per level) damage. Lasts for 30 seconds. Stores 2 charges.

(New)Creates a turret that deals 149 (56 + 4% per level) damage. Lasts for 30 seconds. Stores 2 charges.
(20% nerf to turrent damage)
Deth Lazor
(Old)Charged attack that deals 301 (143 + 4% per level) damage to enemies in a line. Damage and range increase the longer the Ability is charged, up to 100% after 3 seconds.

(New) Charged attack that deals 401 (153 + 4% per level) damage to enemies in a line. Damage and range increase the longer the Ability is charged, up to 100% after 3 seconds. (+100 damage for full charged)
Xplodium Charge
Places a bomb that deals 511 (243 + 4% per level) damage to enemies within target area after 2.5 seconds, stunning them for 1.75 seconds.

Heroic Abilities

(Old) Active: Basic Attacks deal an additional 200% damage to Non-Heroes. Activate to order all nearby Rock-it! Turrets to focus a target.

(New) Basic Attacks deal an additional 200% damage to Non-Heroes. Activate to gain 25% armor for 4 sec.
Grav-O-Bomb 3000
After a 2 second delay, pull enemies toward the center of an area and deal 550 (262 + 4% per level) damage.

Talent Tier 1 (lvl 1)

Extra TNT: Increases Xplodium Charge damage by 15% per target hit, up to 125%. (5% buff)

Scrap-o-Matic Smelter: Increases the Mana restored from Scrap by 100%.

Break it Down!: Scrap causes Abilities to cooldown four times as fast for 3 seconds.

Upgrade!:?Quest: Collect 100 scraps, 10 scraps from Buildings (count with 100 scraps) and 25 Regen orbs: ? Reward: gain 10% armor.

Talent Tier 2 (lvl 4) Push Tier

Goblin Business: Bribe and Mercenary Lord in 1 talent. 20 stack for 1 Bribe

Ark Reaktor: Reduces Xplodium Charge's cooldown by 2 seconds. If Xplodium Charge hits an enemy Hero or 6 minions, you gain 2 charges of Rock-It! Turret.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Enemy Minions that die near you have a 25% chance to drop Scrap. (buff by 10%)

Clockwerk Steam Fists: ?Quest: Basic Attacks increase the duration of active Rock-It! Turrets by 2 seconds.
? Reward: After increasing turret duration by 600 total seconds, reduce the charge cooldown of Rock-It! Turret by 3 seconds.

Talent Tier 3 (lvl7) Quest Tier

A little pratice: ? Quest: Hit 200 heroes with Rock it! Turret.
? Reward: Increase Damage by 15% and Activate to order all nearby Rock-it! Turrets to focus a target.

Death Lazor: ? Quest: Hit 30 Heroes with Deth Lazor, Lose all stacks if you die.
? Reward: Deth Lazor is now instant, but increased cd (6 sec) OR can now move with Channeling Deth Lazor.

More Eksplosion!: ? Quest: Hit 20 Heroes with Xplodium Charge.
? Reward: Xplodium Charge's delay is decreased by 0,5 sec and increases Xplodium Charge range and radius by 30%.

Talent Tier 4 (Ultimate lvl 10)

Robo-Goblin: Basic Attacks deal an additional 200% damage to Non-Heroes. Activate to gain 25% armor for 4 sec.

Gravo-Bomb 3000: After a 2 second delay, pull enemies toward the center of an area and deal 550 (262 + 4% per level) damage.

Talent tier 5 (lvl 13) Utility/defence Tier

Rocket Jump: Active: Activate your rocket belt to jump forward. 60 sec cd. (Muradin untalented Jump)

Engine Gunk: Rock-It! Turret attacks slow enemies by 25% for 2 seconds.

Pack Hobgoblin: Calls in your friend, Gobber, attacks nearby targets. Gobber got 2000 hp and absorbs 10% of the damage delt to Gazlowe.

Self destruction: If killed, Gazlowe drops several bombs (5), that will go off after 1 sec every bomb deals 250
(133 + 4% per level). (will drop in a radius like Arthas's Frozen Tempest)

Talent Tier 6 (Lvl 16) Damage/CC Tier

Superior Storage: Increases Rock-It! Turret maximum charges from 2 to 3 and damage by 10% when you are within their attack range.

Goblin Fusion: Deth Lazor can be charged for 1 additional second to increase its damage bonus by an additional 75% and slows Heroes by 40% and freezes non-Heroes for 3 seconds. (25% nerf and EZ-PZ Dimensional Ripper put into Goblin Fusion)

Kwik Release Charge: Xplodium Charge gains a second charge.

Talent Tier 7 (Lvl 20)

Mecha-Lord: Passive: Basic attacks deal 200% damage to Heroes. Activate: Increase your Movement Speed by 25% for 4 seconds.

Miniature Black Hole: Grav-O-Bomb radius increased by 25% and damage increased by 50%.

Firin' Mah Lazorz: Firing Deth Lazor causes all of your Rock-It! Turrets to fire a Deth Lazor of their own that deals 301 (143 + 4% per level) damage.

It's Raining Scrap: Active: Activate to create 5 Scrap near you over 5 seconds. Cooldown: 60 seconds

Feedback and my thoughts

My thoughts:

- I feel like in order to make Gazlowe viable, you will need to nerf the turent damage, you can get it back again, but you will lose something in return and thats why i have reduced the damage on turents.

- Deth Lazer deal not enough damage for all the work you have to do. (stand still and can be ganked/take damage easy for 3-5 sec before you can deal the damage) It needs to be alot more powerfull.

- Xplodium Charge is hard to sometimes land on players and if you get the quest done for hitting that many people without the combo, you should be rewarded and Gazlowe will feel like a threat in high mmr games.

Note this is my opinion about what Gazlowe needs, if you disagree, it's fine, but please tell why and your own ideas for what can be done.

Would love some feedback!

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