Genji flings precise and deadly
Shuriken at his targets, and uses his technologically-advanced
Katana to
deflect projectiles or deliver a
Swift Strike that
cuts down enemies.
Attack Type: Ranged, Melee
Class: Assassin
Sub Class: Sustained Damage, Ambusher, Burst Damage
Difficulty: Very Hard
+ Highly agile and quick. Many escaping tools.
+ Provides array of different playstyles; he excels in all
Sustained Damage,
Burst Damage roles.
+ Damage over time that ignores armor, shield, parry, evade.
+ Engaging versus multiple grouped up enemies.
+ Fearsome map presence even without stealth.
+ Very high skill cap; arguably the best assassin for very skilled assassin mains.
+ Good versus ranged mage and AA.
+ Disturbing Backlines, picking off squishies and overextenders
- Very high skill cap; His performance is very skill dependant. Can be difficult for new players.
- He is quick but if caught in a cc lock and outnumbered, he will go down faster than you can plan your escapes.
- His abilities are best preserved even though it has no cost, because of the high cooldown time.
- Low Health; his cooldowns are his lifeline.
- Poor at camps.
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