Soul Gluttony:
If an enemy dies five seconds after being pulled by Gorefiend's Grasp, it's cooldown is reduced to 5 seconds.
Vengence beyond the Grave:
If the reanimated hero participates in the hero's, who killed them, takedown, then they are instantly revived at the position of their body.
Control Death:
Gorefiend yields only 0.75% of a hero's experience upon takedown. Additionally, Gorefiend dies 5 seconds after taking fatal damage, allowing him to act freely but be unable to be saved.
Scepter of Necromancy:
Haunt and Chained Bone gain an additional charge and their cooldowns are reduced by 2 seconds.
Let Battle be Joined!:
Ride or Die! gains two more charges and the bonus delays over 6 seconds. Requires Death Knight Rider (Level 13 Talent).
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