Grimaldus by Porco

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By: Porco
Last Updated: May 6, 2024
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Druid from diablo 4

AA are ranged (thunder)

HEALTH 2,490 (+4.0%)
REGEN 5.19 (+4.0%)
MANA 490 (+10)
REGEN 2.90 (+0.098)
DAMAGE 95 (+4.0%)

Combat Trait

Stases all heroes (friend and foes) on a medium radius 2.5 seconds

120 seconds cooldown.
Beast form
While in werewolf form, gain 15% move speed and 100% attack speed. (Basic attacks becomes close combat)

While in werebear form, gain 20 armor and 100% basic attack damages. (Basic attacks becomes close combat)

Primary Abilities

Mana : 40
Cooldown 8 seconds

Unearth a large rolling boulder that Knocks Back enemies dealing 20 damages every 0.25 seconds (boulder rolls for 1 second)
Transform into human
Blood howl
Cooldown : 12 seconds
Mana : 35
Cooldown : 12 seconds

Heals for 20% of your maximum hp
Transform into wolf for 3 seconds
Mana : 45
Cooldown : 12 seconds

Slams the ground, dealing 150 damages on a small aera, slowing enemies for 20%, decaying over 2 seconds.
Transform into werebear for 3 seconds

Heroic Abilities

Mana : 70
Cooldown : 70 seconds

Teleports to a medium range hero, and infects him, dealing an amount of damages equal to 40% of his maximum hp over 4 seconds. While active, infection can spread to nearby heroes.
Transform into werewolf for 3 seconds.
Mana : 50
Cooldown : 50 seconds

charge forward on a medium/long distance, dealing 200 damage and Knocking Back enemies.
Transform into werebear for 3 seconds

Level 1 - tankyness

- Ancestral fortitude.
Basic attacks heals for 15% of the damages dealt.

- Enhanced boulder.
Dealing damages with boulder decreases enemy's sability power by 10% for 3 seconds. Stacks up to 50%

- Innate blood howl
Quest : health globes increase blood howl's heals by 1% of maximum hp, up to 20%.
Reward : decrease bloodhowl cooldown by 2 seconds

Level 4 : control

- Raging pulverise
Pulverise stuns enemies for 0.5 seconds. Slow duration increased to 3 seconds

- Savage boulder
Increase boulder range by 50% and width by 30%

- Persevering blood howl
Blood howl increase move speed of you and nearby allied by 40%, decaying over 3 seconds.

Level 7 - misc

- prime petrify.
Decrease petrify cooldown by 60 seconds

- Lighting storm
Channel basic attacks while in human form increases its number of strikes on every hit, up to 5 strikes. Charges are kept for 2 seconds.

Every time you change of form, basic abilities cooldows are reduced by 1 second.

Level 13 - beast

- Lacerate
Basic attacks while in wolf form cleaves.
Every third basic attack in wolf form teleports on a small distance

- grizzly rage
Gains unstopable while in werebear form

- huricane
Deals 30 damages to nearby enemies every second. Damages are increased by 100% by while in werebear or werewolf form. Radius is increased by 100% in human form

Level 16 - damages

- Primal pulverize
Pulverize deals an additionnal amount of damages equal to 6% of heroes maximum health

- Molten boulder
Boulder explodes at the end of his travel. Dealing 200 damages on a medium aera. Can be reactivated to make it explode

- Supreme petrify
When petrify end, affected allies gain 10 armor for 10 seconds. Affected ennemies gain - 10 armor for 10 seconds.

Level 20 - storm

- natural rabies
Enemies affected by rabies cannot receive any heals.

- Savage trample
Enemies hit by trample decrease its cooldown by 8 seconds

- insasiable fury
Werebear is now your true form and grants an additionnal 5 armor. Boulder transforms into human for 3 seconds

- mad wolf's glee
Werewolf is now your true form and grant an additionnal 5% move speed. Boulder transforms into human for 3 seconds

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