Grommash Hellscream by Lalution

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Grommash Hellscream

By: Lalution
Last Updated: Mar 1, 2020
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Grommash Hellscream


Health: 2054(+7%)
Health Regen: 7.4(+7%)
Attack Speed: 1.0
Attack Range: 1.5
Attack Damage: 69(+4%)

Grommash "Grom" Hellscream was the legendary chieftain of the Warsong clan, a powerful warrior, close friend, and chief advisor to Warchief Thrall. He was the first orc who drank the blood of Mannoroth the Destructor, thus binding the Horde to the Burning Legion — and he would eventually pay the ultimate price to free himself and his people from the Blood Curse.

When you say Grommash Hellscream, you immediately imagine a Tank / Bruise that has a lot of damage, a survival that becomes more than he has less health.
I decided to look at him from the other side. In my concept, he plays the role of support, which risks a lot, but also receives great benefits from this risk. Grommash is a combat grunt who supported the team in battles with the help of shields, lifesteal, preventing corr from the enemy heroes, forcing them to change locations in favor of your team.

Combat Trait

(D) Victory or death!:

The less health Grommash has, the faster his skills are cooldawn. Accelerated reloading starts at 30% health.
30-21% health - 100% faster cooldawn
20-11% health - 150% faster cooldawn.
10-1% health - 200% faster cooldown.

Primary Abilities

(Q) Ironhide

Imposes a shield on itself or an ally with a strength of 370 (+ 4%). While under the shield, the target restores 2.5% of maximum health per second. The shield works until it is destroyed.
Cooldawn: 10 seconds.

(W) Reckless rage:

Attacks the enemy, inflicting 107 damage to the target. Damage (+ 4%). If Grommash was under Iron Hide (Q) during use, he deals damage equal to the shield’s durability (Your shield disappears). You apply the Thirst for Violence effect to the target. (When you damage this target, you restore health.
25% damage done over 4 seconds)
Explanation: First you apply the effect, and then deal damage. Even if you are stopped (stun, root), the target will be affected by the “Thirst for violence”

Cooldawn:12 second Cost: 15% of current health Range: 6 meters

(E) Hellscream!:

Put on the “Fear” effect on the target (the target runs in the opposite direction from Grommash for 3.5 seconds. Fear cannot be removed by the damage taken. When restoring health from an allied hero, you remove the “Fear” effect)
Cooldown: 15 seconds Cost: 5% of current health Range: 3 meters.

Heroic Abilities

(R1) Mannoroth Blood:

Your next ability has an enhanced effect. The ability has 2 charges with a total cooldown.
30 seconds cooldown.
(Q) - Increases shield strength by 25%
(W) Increases range by 3 meters.
(E) Increases fear duration by 1.5 seconds.

(R2) Execution:

Thunder deals huge damage to the enemy hero 370 (+ 2%). If the enemy dies, the allies revel in battle for 5 seconds, restoring 80 (+4) health per second.
Cooldown:60 seconds. Range:1.5 meters

Level 1

Level 4

Level 7

Level 13

Level 16

Level 20

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