Empowers Grommash's next basic attack, "Gorehowl" or "Axe Throw" to deal 75% more damage and heal for 25% of damage dealt (100% for basic attacks).
Passive: Grommash doesn't use mana.
Primary Abilities
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Grommash leaps forward for 3 meters and smashes ground before him with Gorehowl, dealing 135 (+4% per level) damage to all enemies in 2 meters area from the point of landing and slowing them by 30% for 3 seconds.
Cooldown: 9 seconds
Grommash becomes unstoppable for the next 3 seconds and gains 60% movement speed fading over 1.5 seconds. Can be used while stunned, but this will increase cooldown to 27 seconds.
Axe Throw
Cooldown: 22 seconds
Grommash throws Gorehowl in the targeted direction, dealing 55 (+4% per level) damage to all enemies in its path. Enemies in the end take 150 (+4% per level) damage. If one enemy hero was hit in the end, Gorehowl will be stuck in them slowing them by 35% for up to 6 seconds. Grommash can then reactivate this ability to jump on the wounded hero, stun them for 1.25 seconds and pull Gorehowl out. While Grommash has no Gorehowl, he deals 50% less damage with attacks and can't use "Gorehowl" or "Axe Throw".
Heroic Abilities
Corrupted Blood
Cooldown: 5 seconds (between uses)
Using this ability will awake the demon blood in Grommash. As the result all of his damage increases by 35%, movement speed - by 20%, and health regeneration - by 200%, however his armor will be reduced by 30.
Cooldown: 35 seconds
Charge for up to 3 seconds and then release a force wave, which will push all enemies away from its way as well as dealing 140 (+4% per level) damage to them and reducing their armor by 10 for 5 seconds, both damage and armor reduction are increased by 50% for each second of charging. Also affected enemies take 100% more damage from "Axe Throw" and "Gorehowl". Grommash can move while charging.
Level 1 Talents:
1) Warlord's Resolve (Quest) (Trait):
Quest: Take 7000 damage. Quest: Participate in 7 Hero Takedowns. Quest: Hit enemy heroes with "Gorehowl" 20 times.
Reward: For completing each Quest increases bonus damage by 15%. After completing all Quests additionally reduces cooldown by 6 seconds.
2) Powerful Throw (E): Increases range by 33% and reduces cooldown by 2 seconds. Additionally reduces cooldown by 10 seconds, if one enemy hero was hit in the end.
3) Axe Mastery (Q and E): While under 70% of maximum health, "Axe Throw" and "Gorehowl" recharge 50% faster.
Level 4 Talents:
1) Unbreakable Will (W): Using "Unleash" while stunned, rooted or slowed will grant 80 spell armor, fading over 1.5 seconds.
2) Heroic Leap (Trait): Attack empowered by "Blood Rage" gains 200% increased attack range as Grommash will jump to the target. Empowered attack will also grant 30 kinetic armor for 8 seconds.
3) Fighting Spirit (W): "Unleash" grants 60% increased attack speed for the next 4 attacks within 3 seconds after using it.
Level 7 Talents:
1) Brutality (E): If "Axe Throw" hits one enemy hero in the end, they will take additional damage equal to 5% of their maximum health.
2) Sheer Power (W): "Unleash" knocks back all enemies around Grommash and reduces cooldowns of "Gorehowl" and "Axe Throw" by 2 seconds.
3) Battlecry (W): "Unleash" grants 20% increased attack damage to all friendly units within 5 meters area around Grommash for 6 seconds. Using "Unleash" while stunned, rooted or slowed will restore 340 (+4% per level) health to Grommash.
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