100 "
Gold" Cooldown: 12 seconds
Place a Debuff to an single Enemy Minion for 3 seconds. This debuff makes you deal 75% more damage to the target. A Kill during the effect duration, refunds all "
Gold" and reduces cooldown by 5 seconds also spawns an Regeneration Globe.
Allied Heroes
Grant an allied Hero 10 Armor for 6 seconds and Regeneration Globes you pick up also affect the ally. If the ally dies, their Death-timer is increased with 25%.
Enemy Heroes
You tag an enemy Hero for 6 seconds, that makes you deal 10% increased damage for the full duration. If the tagged Hero dies, you get back 25% of your missing life back and you also gain 500 "
Gold", plus refund. When the reward is reaped, it will instantly set the next Sinful Bounty to a 25 second cooldown.
Active, Defensive Modifier: Armor, Damage Modifier: Self damage increase, Self Healing, Status Effect
Scaling: NaN
Affects: Enemy Minions and Allied/Enemy Heroes
Targeting: Point target
Properties: Offensive Damage Modifier, Defensive Modifier
Cast time: Instant
Range: Global
- Cooldown will start instantly, exception is with Enemy Heroes
- Cannot in anyway stack
I have toyed with things that are detrimental to allies a lot, and I feel like they would just end up feeling (or actually being) trolly.