8 Second Cooldown - after deactivation
Activating D causes Hanzo to start to charge his basic attacks causing them to deal a variable amount of damage, as well as have varying range, both increasing based on charge time. Hanzo will also be able to move at half speed during this time, and his targeting works like Tracer's, focusing an enemy within his max range (and dynamically increasing a circle around him like Gazlowe's laser ability increases the line to signify range), but firing at an enemy in range if released before (prefers heroes).
As he charges his basic attacks, they will cause 70% damage at .75 seconds, 130% damage at 1.25 seconds, and finally 200% damage at 1.75 seconds. This damage is released by his extra ability (Release Arrow: hotkey 1 at default, like Stiches' team pull).
At no charge, his attack range should be roughly Sgt. Hammer's, and at full charge, it should roughly be Sgt. Hammer's while in siege except slightly less.
Reactivating D, or using any ability causes Hanzo to stop charging Storm Bow for basic attacks.
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