Harth Stonebrew by Lafiel

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Harth Stonebrew

By: Lafiel
Last Updated: May 27, 2023
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Harth Stonebrew

The Innkeeper

A hero shuffling a deck to find the right cards to use in any situation.

Combat Trait

Pick a card (Passive)
Harth uses cards instead of basic abilities.
The cards temporarily fill the keys Q, W and E and are discarded and goes to cooldown when used. At level 10, the R key also becomes available for cards.
Harth's cards initially forms a deck, among which cards can be drawn. Once cards are used and their cooldown expires, they returns at the bottom of the deck.
Some talents can add new cards to the deck.
D - Draw & Mulligan
20 seconds CD

Harth draw cards, filling the empty keys with cards at the top of the deck.

Once you have drawn, you enter the Mulligan phase.
Drawn cards can be Mulligan at will by pressing the key they are on. Mulligan cards returns at the bottom of the deck and the card at the top of the deck is drawn instead.
You can press the D key again after at least 5 seconds to end Mulligan and play the drawn cards.

Activating and disactivating Draw & Mulligan and selecting your cards can be done while mounted.

Primary Abilities

Deal moderate damage in a circle AoE.
Recast itself in the same place if heroic targets are touched or if units are killed by the previous cast.

60 mana, 40 second cooldown
Quick Shot
The next basic attack deal moderate bonus magic damages to its target.
If it hit a hero, reduces all ongoing card cooldowns by 10 seconds.

40 mana, 30 second cooldown.
Arcane missiles
Launch 3 missiles in a quick succession to as many different enemies as possible within a 9 meter range priorising heroes, dealing low damages.

(!) Quest: Gain additionnal missiles based on how much hero and structure damages you have dealt in the game.

60 mana, 40 second CD
Blessing of Might
Grant an ally a medium shield that grant lifesteal.

50 mana, 30 second cooldown.
Dread Internal
After 0.75 seconds, summon an Dread Infernal at the target area and Stun enemies for 0,75s.
The Dread Infernal will walk toward enemy heroes and attack them while dealing damages to nearby enemies.

80 mana, 50 second cooldown
Call a storm on a large area for 4 seconds, dealing low damage over time to enemies inside. Increased to medium damages for enemies under any crowd control effect.

100 mana, 60 second cooldown
The next basic attack against an enemy hero in the next 3 seconds deal medium bonus magic damages.
Damages increased for each card played in the last 10 seconds.

20 mana, 15 second cooldown
Power of the wild
Summon a panther fighting in melee range with a 50 second lifespan.
The panther follows Harth, attacking nearby enemy heroes and priorizing the ones Harth is attacking, it's basic attacks applying a slow. If Harth attacks a lane minion or a building, the panther stops following Harth and will behave like a lane minion and gain an aura giving armor and damages to nearby ally minions.

80 mana, 60 second cooldown

Secondary Abilities

Razorpetal Volley
Level 1 card talent

Deal low damages to a targeted enemy.
Until you Draw, after you plays a card including that one, a Razorpetal (with the same targeted damage effect) will fill the key once.

50 mana, 70 second cooldown
The coin
Level 1 card talent

Instantly restore 40% of Harth missing mana.

180 second CD
Defender of Argus
Level 1 card talent

Summon a Defender of Argus to attack at a 7 meter range the targeted enemy, dealing very low damages.
The defender of Argus have an Aura giving 75 armor, 25% damages to nearby summons and 30 spellpower to Harth Stonebrew.

70 mana, 50 seconds cooldown
Ice Lance
Level 4 card talent

Send a slow projectile in a straight line, slows enemies by 30% for 1,5s. If the enemy was already slowed, rooted or stun, deal medium damages.

40 mana, 40 second cooldown
Level 4 card talent

Bribe all but one mercenaries on the targeted camp.

150 mana, 120 seconds CD
The Caverns Below
Level 4 card talent

(!) Quest: Collect 25 globes
That card's cooldown doesn't start when played.

(!) Reward: Gain the one-use "Crystal Core" card at the top of your deck.

When played, the Crystal Core grant an undecaying shield for 30% of their maximum health to nearby heroes and for 120% of their maximum health to nearby lane minions and summons.
Playing the Crystal Core starts The Cavern Below's cooldown.

100 mana, 70 second cooldown
Knight of the Frozen Throne
Level 10 card talent

Target an ally hero. If it takes lethal damage in the following 4 seconds, it instead survives at 1 HP, gain for 6 seconds a shield equals to 80% of their maximum health, their damages are increased by 40% and movement speed by 15%.

100 mana, 100 seconds cooldown
Wondrous Wand
Level 10 card talent

Instantly fill your empty keys with cards from the top of your deck. If you play the cards obtained that way within 5 seconds, they cost no mana.

60 mana, 150 second CD
Leeroy Jenkins
Level 10 card talent

Target an enemy up to 15 meters away. For 3 seconds, Harth gain 70% movement speed while moving toward him and your next basic attack on him stun for 0,75s and deals 20% of it's missing health bonus damage, ending the effect.
At the end of the effect, Harth is slowed by 20% and it's armor is reducted by 25 point for 2,5seconds.

90 mana, 70 seconds cooldown
Explosive trap
Level 13 card talent

If you take hero damage within 2,5 seconds after using that card, explose for 300 (+4%) damage and shield you for a fraction or the damage suffered by the enemies.

70 mana, 120 seconds cooldown
Level 13 card talent

Harth's next basic attack within 3 seconds deals moderate damages at close range. Gain 40 armor and 20% movement speed for 3 seconds.

50 mana, 70 seconds cooldown
Level 13 card talent

Send a Voidwalker (1000HP +4%) up to 3 meters away, it then taunt for 0,75s nearby enemies.

70 mana, 90 seconds cooldown
Mana Bind
Level 16 card talent

As long as Draw (D) isn't used, Hart gain 60 point of spell armor againt the next basic ability hiting him.
That enemy basic ability is then duplicated twice in the form of two costless, destroyed after use cards, one at the bottom of the deck and one on the key previously occupied by Mana Bind.

100 mana, 80 seconds cooldown.


Level 1 : (Playstyle-orienting cards tier)
-Razorpetal Volley (Card)
-The Coin (Card)
-Defender of Argus (Card)

Level 4 : (Utility cards tier)
-Ice Lance (Card)
-Brawl (Card)
-The Cavern Below (Card)

Level 7 : (Passive utility tier)
-League of Explorers (passive): Gain 5% movement speed while mounted.
(!) Gambit: Cards cooldowns refreshes 20% faster, loose 4% each time Harth dies.
-The Great Tournament (passive): Gain 1,5% spellpower for each nearby ally and enemy hero including Harth, up to 10 times.
-Bob's best friend (passive): Friendly non-Boss Mercenaries near your Hero deal 50% more damage. Gain 50 Armor against Minions and Mercenaries, reducing the damages taken by 50%.

Level 10 : (Heroic cards tier)
-Knight of th Frozen Throne (Card)
-Wondrous Wand (Card)
-Leeroy Jenkins (Card)

Level 13 : (Defensive cards tier)
-Explosive Trap (Card)
-Bash (Card)
-Void Walked (Card)

Level 16 : (Combo power-spike tier)
-Golden Cards (passive): If you uses 3 cards in less than 3 seconds without using Draw and still have one available card, that next card become golden for 1,5s and benefits from 40 spellpower and it's cooldown will be reduced by 30%.
-Master Shuffler (D): Reduces Draw cooldown by 5 seconds (to 15s) and it's minimal duration by 2 seconds (to 3s).
-Mana Bind (Card)

Level 20 : (Storm tier)
-Tavernkeeper's hospitality (passive): Harth and allies nearby benefits from 5% increased healing and their basic abilities (and cards) cooldowns refreshes 5% faster, Each nearby ally hero gives an additionnal stack or this ability (up to 5 times).
-Elise's teaching (D): Gain all level 1 and level 4 card talents.
-Yogg-Saron's whisper (Active): Activate to silence Harth for 6 seconds, casting in the meantime all the unpicked lvl 1,4,10 and 13 cards in a random order on the nearest available target (or in it's current direction for skillshots). 240 seconds cooldown.


Concept originally created for Murraythehuman's Unofficial Hero Creation Contest around the theme of Harth Stonebrew, the dwarven innkeeper of Heartstone. It however never got a review.

My take was to create a very difficult spellcaster around the "play cards" fantasy of Heartstone, being at the same time quite flexible in terms of plays possibilities and spell combos and quite rigid in terms of how you must anticipates each of your plays, the cards you will uses and can only play a limited amount of them in a given action.

Making him a support instead of a ranged DPS imposed itself to me during the design of the cards. Since draw/reset/combo mechanics could easily lead to infernal spell chains on a more damage-oriented hero and since I tend to appreciate utility spells. I tryed to keep a balance between utility, followup damages and PvE while adding some invocations for the favor.

My priorities while designing the basic and talent cards where to offer him great and varied combos and creativity potential between the different cards, spell variety and a few skillshots to valorise all sorts of skills, using iconic Heartstone cards but not the one already in HotS through other heroes and spells since they are often also iconic from WC3 and WoW and finally offering meaningfull build options and decisions depending on personal playstyle and game physionomy.

The goal is to have an hero that plan what will be it's next moove (pushing, depushing, jungling, ganking, joining a teamfight to bring damage, CC and initiation or utility and support...) and pick the right cards for it while roaming with Draw (D), use the spells/cards well during the action and then seek it's next play. While suffering from being relatively fragile, non-mobile, medium ranged and powerless between it's "turns".

-Surprise effect

-Long fights

Particular attention needed in order to balance well the hero:
-Readability from the player, ally and enemy point of view
-Strenght of some combos

Of course, such hero would need a lot of attention, playtest and work to be created given the number of spells to animate (even if I tried to limit the number of new animations needed for spells and the "play card" fantasy allow some animation recycling on Harth itself) and it's delicate balance. But since it's a fantasy build contest i assumed complex designs comparable to Deathwing where conceivable.

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