Harth Stonebrew by Goruku

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Harth Stonebrew

By: Goruku
Last Updated: Dec 18, 2015
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Harth Stonebrew

The Innkeeper

Combat Trait

You can choose up to 3 cards to combo then throw them your allies or foes.
Activating this trait will throw away the cards and destroy the combo

Your autoattacks damage in a small area of effect.

Primary Abilities

Play the cards!
CD: 1 sec

Send out your combo, with various results depending on the cards chosen. If you hit no-one, the combo hits you for half the effect.
Choose a card!
CD: 0.33s

You pick the selected card from your card pool and add it to your combo. You draw a new card.

Each card has an evenly split chance to get drawn.
CD: 0.33s

Throw away the selected card and draw another one.

Each card has an evenly split chance to get drawn.

Secondary Abilities

Choose a card! (Burst Damage Card)
Mana Cost: 15

Deals damage (CAN HIT ALLIES)
Choose a card! (Healing Card)
Mana Cost: 8

Choose a card! (Stall Card)
Mana Cost: 5

Slow the target by 7% decreasing over 2 sec (CAN HIT ALLIES)

Heroic Abilities

CD: 3s

You can pick the card of your choice! (3 activatable talents with one for each card, all on a shared cooldown.)
Control Meta
[PASSIVE] Add a "control card" to your card pool. It costs 8 mana and stuns the target for 0.25 second. CAN HIT ALLIES

The odds to get this card is spilt evenly with the others.

What is he?

I wanted to add make some sort of random element to him to represent Hearthstone, a card game, but keep it to a competitive level. Yes, you can get screwed over by RNG, but all cards are useful at all time (or can be talented to be) due to the low card ammount. One of his ult (which I suspect would be the more competitive one) even removes the RNG aspect of him although the other one feels quite powerful, if you're feeling lucky...

Talents level 16 decreases RNG, as well as the level 20 ult upgrades.

I class him under support even though I feel he could play as a specialist. He can soft CC, (or stun outright past level 10), and heal. He can also boost ally speed with a talent. His damage cards are his main source of damage, his AA doing minimal. I gave him a small AOE on his autoattacks mainly because I don't want another Nova (he only has a skillshot which does not pierce). He should be able to clear wave decently (although his damage will be real poor to account for the AOE).

Making up for that "Jack of all trades" status, Missing a skillshot will be really harmful, especialy with a low healthpool. The descision of missing a skillshot on pupose should also be quite interesting.

Another really important point: He can grief. I didn't do that specialy for trollers, but mainly to prevent abbility spam. It will raise the skillcap significally and probably lead to some trolls, but I do think that the decision on what card to choose is important. I added a talent which prevents it if peope feel insecure hitting their skillshots. Think of it as Shish Kebab on stitches. People will use it to troll, and it will not be good sometimes (but hey, there's a report system for a reason), but I feel that if you hit someone with an abbility which should do damage/heal, it should do that effect, it beign good or not. For this reason, his difficulty would probably be "Very Hard"


Alot of talents are possible, these are the ones I came up with. Feel free to give your thoughts and create come up with new ones if you want. Some of the talents are missing a name, feel free to give some ideas.

Level 1

Conjurer's Pursuit:
Collecting Regeneration Globe permanently increase Mana Regeneration by 0.1.

Your cards hit you for their full effect.

Shared Interest:
Hitting a combo will heal you for its mana cost.

UNKNOWN: Your combos deal 100% more damage to minions and mercenaries.

Level 4

All stall card tier.

Hitting an ally with a stall card will speed them up instead of slowing them. You will still be slowed if you miss your combo.

Hitting nothing with a stall card will instead chill the ground, slowing EVERYONE for 2% of their movement speed (stackable) in a small area of effect

The slow of the stall card will not decrease over time but remain constant for its full duration

Level 7

When your combo hits an ally, only benificial effects will occur, when hitting an ennemy, negative ones instead. (This does not affect you)

Your heal cards heal for more.

Halves the mana cost of every card.

Level 10

Cheater!: See above

Control Meta: See above

Level 13

Spell Shield:
Upon taking Ability Damage, reduce that damage and further Ability Damage by 50% for 3 seconds. Can only trigger once every 30 seconds

Your heals will also chain twice, prioritizing ally heroes.

Your damage cards apply a damage over time effect.

Hitting your combo will increase the effect of the next one by 3% (stacking), missing it will decrease it by 3% (stacking)

Level 16

Hitting an ally with an heal card makes him unstoppable for .5 sec (stackable up to 3 times)

Sets the chance to get a Burst Damage Card to a static 1/2

Sets the chance to get an Healing Card to a static 1/2

Freeze Mage:
Sets the chance to get a Stall Card to a static 1/2

Miracle Rogue: (Activable talent) CD: 4 sec
Your skills don't have any cooldown.

Level 20

Lowers the cooldown to 1 sec

(Control Meta)Complete lockdown:
Your chance to get a control(stun card) is increased to a static 1/3 chance.

OTK: You can stack up to 5 cards in your combo.

Holding a combo will grant you an aura which affects ALL HEROES around for 10% of its effect. (except control). Hitting something will drain your mana (1 mana per sec per hero). You are not affected by this effect

Bolt of the storm: Teleports you to the targeted area CD: 60sec

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