Harth Stonebrew by kid-karma

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Harth Stonebrew

By: kid-karma
Last Updated: May 10, 2019
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Harth Stonebrew

The Innkeeper

On the battlefield Harth is fragile, but still ventures out beyond the safety of his base to passively soak XP; much like Abathur. Harth's gameplay is based around his ability to play a simplified game of Hearthstone against an A.I. opponent, providing benefits for his team based on his performance within these mini-games.

This version of Hearthstone is simplified in the following ways:
- Harth and his opponent start with 3 mana crystals (maximum 5)
- Harth and his opponent have 10hp baseline. Every level Harth gains 1 additional hp, while the opponent receives 1 additional hp every second level.
- If Harth dies in a game of Hearthstone he is killed on the map and receives a normal respawn timer.
- Turns only last 20 seconds.

Your opponent always plays the same deck. Your deck changes based on talents.

The starting deck is comprised of 5 base cards (2 copies each, 10 total):

The "Map" keyword indicates that the cards will have effects on the battlefield outside of the card game.

Harth also has a Hero Power that can be used once per turn:

The main idea behind these changes is to make these mini Hearthstone games quite short. This allows Harth to reposition himself on the battlefield frequently after each game.

Combat Trait

A Worthy Opponent (Passive)
After winning a game of Hearthstone Harth gains one charge of A Worthy Opponent.

These charges can be used to permanently reduce an enemy hero's armor by 5 for the remainder of the game.

An enemy hero can't be affected by an additional stack of A Worthy Opponent until all of their allied heroes have been affected as well.

Primary Abilities

Play A Game
After a brief channel, root yourself in place and become invulnerable.

Play A Game will cause you to start playing a simplified game of Hearthstone against an A.I. opponent (based on that Battleground's announcer).

After a game of Hearthstone ends Harth spawns 1 minion from the core for each point of health he had left. These minions are split evenly across each lane and do not award experience when killed.

While playing you are able to soak experience as normal.

Harth does not contest points/objectives while in Play A Game.

60 second cooldown after a game ends.
Have A Pint
Root yourself and channel to heal yourself and nearby allied heroes over 15 seconds.

If an ally spends at least 10 seconds in range of Have A Pint the cooldown of Play A Game is reset.

30 second cooldown.
30 Card Pickup
Throw a handful of cards in the air around you, disorientating nearby enemy heroes for 4 seconds.

Damage dealt to heroes that are disorientated by 30 Card Pickup will immediately end the effect.

16 second cooldown.

Heroic Abilities

Activate while playing a game to make the next card you draw be Legendary.

90 second cooldown.

Legendary cards can be one of the following:

Summons from these Legendary cards are 25% as strong as their real game counterparts and last for 30 seconds or until killed.
Card Pack
Activate while playing a game to instantly fill your hand with copies of cards from your deck.

90 second cooldown.

Special Mount

After a brief channel, trade places with the target allied minion or non-boss mercenary.

45 second cooldown.


Select one card each tier (except at levels 10 and 20), permanently adding two copies of it to your deck.

Level 1:

Level 4:

Level 7:

Level 10:

See above section.

Level 13:

Level 16:

Level 20:

Cheater McCheaterson: A Worthy Opponent can be used to permanently grant allied heroes 5 armor.
Squelch: Winning a game of Hearthstone silences enemy heroes for 8 seconds.
Golden Legendary: You always start the game with a random Legendary in your hand.
Booster Pack: Cards you gain from Card Pack cost 0 mana.

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FrankFS | May 13, 2019 1:57pm
like the cards and deck idea. Implementation is incredibly flawed. Perma immune and busted passives while soaking? yes please
kid-karma (2) | May 14, 2019 11:47am
FrankFS wrote:
Perma immune and busted passives while soaking? yes please

While having zero presence in team fights, to be fair

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