Harth Stonebrew by PhreakTheMighty

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Harth Stonebrew

By: PhreakTheMighty
Last Updated: Nov 12, 2017
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Harth Stonebrew

The Innkeeper

Harth Stonebrew, the Innkeeper of Hearthstone is a master of cards. The cards at his disposal are capable of dealing damage, pushing lanes, and healing allies making him a versatile multiclass hero.

Combat Trait

Draw (D)
Cooldown: 5 Seconds
Cost: 1 Mana Crystal

Draw a card, adding it as an ability until played.
Enhanced Hearthstone (Passive)
While channeling Hearthstone, nearby allied heroes may also channel Hearthstone to speed up the channel of Harth's Hearthstone, and return to base together.

Primary Abilities

Hand Space (Q)
Harth does not start with a Q. Cards drawn will fill this space.
Hand Space (W)
Harth does not start with a W. Cards drawn will fill this space.
Hand Space (E)
Harth does not start with an E. Cards drawn will fill this space.

Secondary Abilities

Arcane Missiles (Card)
Cost: 1 Mana Crystal

Fire 3 missiles that follow your cursor dealing damage in a small area.
Eviscerate (Card)
Cost: 2 Mana Crystals

Slice the ground in front of you dealing damage in a thin line. (Deals bonus damage if it's not the first ability casted after regaining your mana.
Thoughtsteal (Card)
Cost: 3 Mana Crystals

Harth channels, silencing a target for up to 2 seconds. For the next 5 seconds after channeling, this ability becomes the last basic ability the silenced target used.
Elven Archer (Card)
Cost: 1 Mana Crystal

Fire an arrow in a line dealing damage to the first enemy hit (deals double damage to non-heroic targets). Spawn an Elven Archer at your location.
Fan of Knives (Card)
Cost: 3 Mana Crystals

Throw 5 daggers in a cone, one by one, from left to right each dealing damage. Enemies hit by multiple daggers take bonus damage. (This bonus damage can only trigger once)
Stormcrack (Card)
Cost: 2 Mana Crystals (Overload 1)

Deal damage to a target and mark them. If Harth attacks a marked target, the mark is consumed dealing bonus damage.
Earthen Ring Farseer (Card)
Cost: 3 Mana Crystals

Summon a Farseer that heals nearby allies. (Acts like a mercenary)
Flash Heal (Card)
Cost: 1 Mana Crystal

Heal an ally hero for 15% of their max health, or heal a mercenary to full health.
Holy Fire (Card)
Cost: 5 Mana Crystals

Deal damage equal to 50% of a target's current health, but then heal it back over 5 seconds.
Flare (Card)
Cost: 1 Mana Crystal

Reveal a target area for 5 seconds. Enemies who leave the revealed area remain revealed for 3 seconds.
Shadowstep (Card)
Cost: 2 Mana Crystals

Teleport a short distance and gain 20% movement speed for 3 seconds.
Force of Nature (Card)
Cost: 5 Mana Crystals

Summon 3 treants at your current location.
Soulfire (Card)
Cost: 1 Mana Crystal

Channel for 0.5 seconds then launch a plume of fire in front of you dealing a small amount of damgage in cone, and erupting at the end of the cone for a large amount of damage. Discard 1 card from your hand (at random).
Eye for an Eye (Card)
Cost: 1 Mana Crystal

Envelop yourself in holy light for 1 second, any damage you take during this time is also dealt to the attacker. You can play this while End Turn is active.
Gorehowl (Card)
Cost: 7 Mana Crystals

Equip Gorehowl. Your next 3 melee range basic attacks deal massive bonus damage. Attacks against minions, and mercenaries do not count toward this limit.
Ragnaros the Firelord (Legendary Card)
Cost: 10 Mana Crystals

Summon an untalented, AI Ragnaros at a nearby location that lasts for 10 seconds.
Anub'arak (Legendary Card)
Cost: 10 Mana Crystals

Summon an untalented, AI Anub'arak at a nearby location that lasts for 10 seconds.
Alexstraza (Legendary Card)
Cost: 10 Mana Crystals

Summon an untalented, AI Alexstraza at a nearby location that lasts for 10 seconds.
Gazlowe (Legendary Card)
Cost: 10 Mana Crystals

Summon an untalented, AI Gazlowe at a nearby location that lasts for 10 seconds.

Heroic Abilities

End Turn (R)
Activate to gain all your mana crystals back after 10 seconds. During this time you cannot use abilities, and your basic attacks deal bonus magic damage.

Unique Mechanics


Harth starts with one mana crystal at level one, and gains one more each time he levels up, up to 10. Mana is not restored over time, and is not replenished when using a healing fountain. You cannot draw cards that cost more than your max mana.


Harth starts with no Q, W, or E, but does start with an R (End Turn). To get abilites on Q, W, or E, Harth must use his trait (Draw) or heroic (End Turn) to draw cards from his "deck". Cards drawn become a one-time use ability that cost mana.


Harth's deck doesn't work like a normal deck. Cards drawn do not actually come out of the deck, and Harth cannot run out of cards. The deck simply represents the pool which cards are drawn from. While it doesn't work like a normal deck, it's helpful to think of it as one. Harth's level 1 talents essentially put more copies of certain cards into the deck, increasing the chances of drawing certain cards, while decreasing it for others.


Level 1

1. Control Deck Increases the likelihood of drawing supportive cards.
2. Aggro Deck Increases the likelihood of drawing damage dealing cards.
3. Fatigue Deck Increases the likelihood of drawing cards that aid in pushing and map control.

Level 4

1. Recruiter: Quest: Kill 75 minions. Reward: Recruit (Active): Summon a minion wave at your current location. (60 sec cooldown)
2. Topped Off (Active): While above 75% of your maximum health, activate to restore your health to full. (45 sec cooldown)
3. Bartender: When visiting the healing fountain, all allies receive 50% percent of the effect as if they visited it themselves.

Level 7

1. Aggro: Quest: Use 40 mana. Reward: Deal (Active): Harth throws all the cards in his hand and great distance in cone, discarding all of them. The damage each card deals scales with its mana cost. (30 sec cooldown)
2. Mulligan: Quest: Draw 15 cards. Reward: Mulligan (Active): Discard all cards in your hand and draw new ones. (60 sec cooldown)
3. The Coin (Active): Activate to refill 1 spent mana crystal. (Using the coin triggers combo effects)

Level 10

1. Nozdormu: The delay on End Turn is reduced from 10 seconds, to 8 seconds.
2. Pass Turn: Activating End Turn with left over mana crystals grants Harth with bonus ability power scaling up with the amount of left over crystals. This bonus lasts for 10 seconds after you are able to cast your abilites.
3. Card Trick: The delay on End Turn is increased from 10 seconds, to 12 seconds, but the bonus magic damage on-hit is increased, and Harth now gains 20% bonus attack speed during this time.

Level 13

1. Top Deck: The card drawn from End Turn deals 15% bonus damage or healing.
2. Fatigue: Consecutive basic attacks to the same target deal bonus damage. Ends when hitting another target, or after not hitting the target for 5 seconds.
3. Arcane Intellect: Draw now draws 2 cards, but it's cooldown is doubled. (Still costs 1 mana)

Level 16 (Legendary Additions)

1. Draft Ragnaros: Add Ragnaros The Firelord to your "deck". While Ragnaros is not in your hand, your basic attacks ignite your target for 2 seconds. Ignited targets scorch the ground beneath them dealing damage over time.
2. Draft Anub'arak: Add Anub'arak to your "deck". While Anub'arak is not in your hand, your basic attacks web your targets. Hitting a target with 5 consecutive attacks slows them by 50% for 1.5 seconds. The same target cannot receive stacks of webbing for another 15 seconds.
3. Draft Alexstraza: Add Alexstraza to your "deck". While Alexstraza is not in your hand, the impact of your basic attacks splash in a cone behind the point of impact dealing 50% of the damage of your attacks.
4. Draft Gazlowe: Add Gazloew to your "deck". While Gazlowe is not in your hand, your 1-Cost cards also summon a turret at your current location.

Level 20

1. Card Pack (Active): Activate to open a pack and instantly draw 3 cards. Cards drawn cost 1 less. (60 sec cooldown)
2. The Master's Flick Gain 2 range, and 15% attack speed.

Base Stats

Health: 1300
Mana: See Unique Mechanics
Attack Speed: 1.43
Attack Damage: 62
Range: 4.5

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