Harth Stonebrew by Etrigan

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Harth Stonebrew

By: Etrigan
Last Updated: Jul 22, 2018
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Harth Stonebrew

The Innkeeper

Harth Stonebrew, better known as the Innkeeper, is the dwarven patron of the mysterious and cozy tavern in which games of Hearthstone take place. After training many travelers in the art of the card game, Harth joins the Nexus, searching for a new place to put his playing skills into practice and looking for a worthy opponent for sharing a brew with.


One of Harths traits are the "Deck Building" mechanic. Your Talents are cards that you must choos before the game starts, in the Talents tab on the Hero selection screen.
The game interface will be modified too. Instead of hexagon icons for Q, W, E, R and D there will be cards.

Similar to Clash Royale's mobile game machanics, your hand will always have 4 cards and may have a maximum of 5. Whenever you play a card, another one is added to your hand 1.5 seconds later.
   Harth Stonebrew do not use common mana. Instead, he uses Mana Crystals. Each card costs a certain amount of crystals, and Harth only have 10 at his disposal, so, be careful, as the Mana Crystals regenerate only one at a time every 2.5 seconds and do not regen with the Healing Fountain, only with regen globes.

The cards/talents that Harth can choose are separated in different tiers, and must be picked in the current order: Weapons, Sepells 1, Spells 2, Minions 1, Minions 2, Secrets and Legendary! Every card is related to a certain class role in the game. Every different build will position the Hero in a different class

Combat Trait

The Coin
Activate to receive "The Coin", a card that costs 0 and grants one extra mana crystal when played.
Cooldown: 35 seconds
Deck Building
Harth can choose his seven talents before the game, at the Talents tab on the Hero selection screen. Those are the cards that will compose his "deck" of abilities. Each card will have a duplicate, except the Legendary card - his Heroic ability, and the weapon - his basic attack.

Primary Abilities

Eaglehorn Bow
Ranged weapon, average damage, average speed; +50% attack for the next 2 seconds whenever an allied Secret is activated nearby.
Fiery War Axe
Melee weapon, heavy damage, low speed; at every 4th attack, the weapon will cleave, damaging all enemies in arc and slowing enemy Heroes in 30% for 1,5 seconds. Quest: absorb X damage without dying. Reward: Cruel Taskmaster (after attacking,summon a Taskmaster in the backline of the nearest allied troop, whipping all the units in cycle for 18 damage every 2.5 sec, increasing their attack by 20% by lash received. You can summon only one Cruel Taskmaster per troop)
Assassin's Blade
Melee weapon, low damage, high speed; Quest: kill all enemy Heroes using Assassin's Blade. Reward: Deadly Poison (for 8 seconds your basic attack damage are 10% increased and become poisoned, dealing 34 damage a second for 3 seconds, up to 9 seconds.
Quest: kill all enemy Heroes using poisoned Assassin's Blade. Reward : Assassin's Blade becomes permanently poisoned
Truesilver Champion
Melee weapon, average damage and average speed; heals Harth in 2% of his maximum life every 2 basic attacks

Talent card - spell 1

Fire Ball - 4 mana ranged spell that deals 200 damage to an enemy.

Soul Fire - 2 mana spell that deals 245 damage to an enemy Hero and discards (not permanently) a random card; it is not immediately replaced, you must play another card to replace that one. Quest: kill X Heroes using Soul Fire. Reward: Soul Fire becomes Drain Life (for 3 seconds inflicts 132 damage per second to an enemy Hero, healing Harth 188 health per second. Drain Life do not discard cards when casted.

Swipe - 4 mana spell that makes Harth swipe in the targeted direction, dealing 160 damage to all enemies hit. Quest: hit 4 enemy Heroes with Swipe within 4 seconds. Reward: Savage Roar (when casted, Swipe increases the damage of Harth and his minions in 30% for 8 seconds; allied troops nearby are affected too).

Holy Fire - 5 mana spell that deals 150 damage to an enemy and heal the lowest health allied Hero within 6 range for 150 health. Quest: deal X damage to enemy Heroes and heal allied Heroes for X health. Reward: Holy Nova (Holy Fire becomes Holy Nova, and deals 180 damage to all nearby enemy Heroes and heal all nearby allied Heroes for 180 health)

Talent card - spell 2

Soul of the Forest - 4 mana spell that give nearby allied minions and troops Deathrattle: summon a Treant. (deathrattle are effects that are activated when a minion dies).

Mirror Image - 2 mana spell that creates 2 copies of an allied Hero that lasts for 10 seconds. The images only deal 10% of the Hero's basic attack.

Far Sight - 3 mana spell that draws a card; it costs 3 less.

talent card - minion 1

Murloc Tidehunter - 2 mana minion with 40 attack, 220 life; summon a scout with 20 attack and 220 life; murloc attacks are poisonous and slow enemies in 15% for 5 seconds.

Direwolf Alpha - 2 mana minion with 20 attack, 220 life; +10% attack to nearby allied minions and troops.

Ironfur Grizzly - 3 mana minion with 60 attack, 600 life, 20 armor; taunt towers, troops, mercs and monsters within 6 range.

Harvest Golem - 3 mana minon with 80 cleave attack, 220 life, 300 shield; mark a target for the Golem to chase and attack; when the Golem's shield is broken, it's attack is reduced to 40 and looses cleave.

talent card - minion 2

Ironbeak Owl - 3 mana minion with 40 attack, 200 life; target an enemy and the owl will fly and silence the Hero for 1.5 sec.

Acidic Swamp Ooze - 3 mana minion with 40 attack, 300 life; poison damage; reduces fisical armor and attack speed in 5% per attack.

Kobold Geomancer - 2 mana minion with 40 attack, 200 life; 10% of spell power to you and nearby allied Heroes.

Healing Totem - 1 mana minion with 250 life; heals allies in area for 2% of their maximum health every second for 10 seconds.

talent card - secret

Freezing Trap - 2 mana secret card that arms and stealths after 2 seconds; the first enemy Hero who steps on it will be rooted by 1.5 seconds. Maximum of 2 active Freezing Traps; placing a third trap will remove the first one.

Explosive Trap - 2 mana secret card that arms and stealths after 2 seconds; the first enemy Hero who steps on it will suffer 100 damage and nearby enemy Heroes will suffer 70 damage.

Eye for an Eye - 2 mana secret card to cast on self or an allied Hero; the first enemy Hero to deal ability damage to that ally will suffer the same amount of damage. The secret lasts for 15 seconds.

Ice Barrier - 2 mana secret card to cast on self or an allied Hero; if the Hero is below 75% health and suffers damage, will gain 70 armor for 3 seconds. The secret lasts for 15 seconds.

heroic card - Legendary!

Legendary cards are your Heroic Abilities. You can only have one Legendary card in your deck.

Deathwing - 10 mana discard all your hand; after 1.5 seconds, Deathwing burns and shatters a large straight line across the battlefield, dealing 300 damage to EVERYBODY (enemy and ally) on it for 2.5 seconds. Structures will not suffer damage if hit, but will be disabled during the effect.

Malygos - 9 mana increases the spellpower of all nearby allied Heroes for 50% for 5 seconds.

Nozdormu - 9 mana Harth's hand is instantly replaced by the 4 last cards he casted and his Mana Crystals are refreshed. All allied Heroes can activate the reset of their basic abilities once within 15 seconds.

Lorewalker Cho - 3 mana for 4 seconds creates a Land of Peace in a big area, where ALL Heroes are blinded and silenced.

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