Hearth Stonebrew (WIP) by Sylvans

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Hearth Stonebrew (WIP)

By: Sylvans
Last Updated: Aug 1, 2016
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Hearth Stonebrew (WIP)

The Innkeeper

A melee specialist who specializes in sustaining a lane and summoning minions to push lanes.

Combat Trait

The Coin
Hearth uses mana crystals to play his cards on the battlefield, but he's got to generate them first! Hearth starts off with 6 mana crystals, and can tap the coin every 20 seconds to refresh them.

Primary Abilities

Wombo Combo
Hearth gets ready to play his spell cards. Every second he adds another card on to play, if you have the mana crystals for it!
1 Mana: Fireblast
Deals low damage to an enemy target
2 Mana: Frost Shock
Slows the target by 25% and increases the damage by 50%
3 Mana: Forked Lightning
The effect bounces to a randon enemy (prioritizes heroes)
Innkeeper's Warmth
Passive: Nearby allies regenerate 0.5% of their missing HP every second.
Active: Hearth passes out a beer to every nearby ally (heroes and minions). Heroes gain increased healing from all sources by 50% for 5 seconds. Minions, mercenaries and summons gain 15% maximum HP permanently (cannot stack).
Card Play
Hearth looks through his deck, moving from lowest to highest mana cost cards. Activating this again will cause him to play that card. See the Secondary Ability section for available cards.

Secondary Abilities

Leper Gnome (1 Mana)
A minion that explodes when it dies, dealing damage to all nearby enemies.
Dire Wolf Alpha (2 Mana)
Increases the health and attack of nearby minions and mercenaries by 15%.
Flesheating Ghoul (3 Mana)
Gains 10% health and damage whenever an enemy dies near it, up to 100%.

Heroic Abilities

Lord Jaraxxus
Hearth plays his legendary card, transforming himself into Lord Jaraxxus. In this form, he gains increased damage and health, but looses access to his usual spells, instead gaining the spell INFERNO!, which summons a strong Infernal Demon to fight alongside him. Takes 50% reduced damage from structures.
50 Card Pick Up
Hearth throws all the cards from his deck (not actually 50 though) in a cone in front of him, each of them dealing damage triggering a random effect when they hit an enemy.
Possible Effects:
-Summon a Goldshire footman that attacks the target
-Summons a flamestrike, dealing 25% bonus damage in AoE
-Causes an Iceblast, rooting the target in place briefly.

Level 1 Talents

Level 4 Talents

Level 7 Talents

Level 13 Talents

Level 16 Talents

Level 20 Talents

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Sylvans | August 1, 2016 12:51pm
Talents will be added later, including:
-Weapon choices
-Additional Mana Crystals
-More Summons
-Minion buff cards
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