Horace Warfield by mpeti

22 Votes

Horace Warfield

By: mpeti
Last Updated: Nov 14, 2015
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Horace Warfield


Block: Periodically reduces the damage received from Hero Basic Attacks by 50%. Stores up to 2 charges.
True Survivor: If you take damage without Combat Shield, it's reload time reduces by 1 second.
Long-range Rockets: Concussive Blast's range is increased by 60%.
Heavy Round: Concussive Blast deals 200% more damage to targets, that has more health than you.
Combat Suit: Activating Melee Assault reduces Combat Shield's cooldown by 10 seconds.
Holo-Blade: Melee Assault's range is increased by 200%.
Reaper Man!: When you cast Murdermine summon a reaper, with stunning basic attack.
Swift Dead: Reduces Murdermines cooldown by 6 seconds.

Heat of Battle: Basic Attacks reduce Ability cooldowns and Combat Shield's cooldown by 0.5 seconds.
Shield Shot: You can cast Concussive blast on allies to give them a small amount of armor
Heavy Round: Concussive Blast stuns instead of rooting.
Enrage: Activate to destroy your shield and increase your attack speed by 75% for 5 seconds.

Hero of Torus: 
Damages an enemey hero, with charging to them. You gain +70% attack speed againts the target for 12 seconds.

Helios Arrived: Helios starts fire in a long and slim lane, when you reactivate it, the Helios will crash, dealing huge impact damage and stunning enemies for 1,5 seconds.

Sharpned Blade: Melee Assault last 2 seconds longer.
Giant Shield: Increases Combat Shield by 25%.
Killer Explosives: Murdemine range is increased by 20%.
Weaks Will Die: Murdermine deals addational 150% damage against non-heroic sources.
Burning Rage: Deal 10 (+2 per level) damage per second to nearby enemies.

Charge 'n push: Casting Melee Assault stuns nearby enemies for 0.5 seconds
Shield Battery: When Combat Shield reloads, restores the 15% of your maximum mana.
Protecting Shards: Murdermine gives 80% more shield.
Blood for Blood: Activate to deal 10% of target enemy Hero's Max Health and heal for twice that amount.

Hero of the Day: When you cast Hero of Torus, you gain +25% movement speed, and you become unstoppable.
Fly Again!: Helios Arrived can hold up 2 charges.
Hardened Shield: Activate to reduce damage taken by 75% for 4seconds.
System Restart: Activate to reset the cooldowns of your Basic Abilities and your Trait.

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Sausaletus (1) | August 8, 2015 6:00pm
Oh, I do like it. I think it's very well done and I hope you don't mind that I'm trying to push you to go that last little distance to make it really great. There's as much effort involved in going from 90% to 100% as there is in getting to 90% in the first place, after all. And what I want to focus on is how to make your character better at doing the job you envision for them.

You're looking for an aggressive Warrior, someone closer to a Tyrael than a Johanna. As I said before, I think that's your best bet. Fitting Warfield into a role where he's a tankier version of Tychus and Raynor (who's already pretty tanky for a ranged attacker) as the space marine tank. A hero who'll be diving into the enemy team and mixing it up, over and over again until they break. If that's the case, though, you have to think first about how they're going to be a threat without being a melee Assassin - what separates this character from an Illidan or Butcher, what makes them more like Sonya, why are they a Warrior instead? And, second, how they're going to survive being in the thick of the fighting.

You've got a good handle on the first part, I think. But it's the second that's lacking. We're talking about sustain, the ability to keep fighting. Warriors get hit hard so they need a way of recovering health or mitigating damage so they can stay alive and keep doing their job. Which, as I said, isn't killing the other side so much as it is providing a threat big enough they can't ignore so the Assassins that do the killing can have free reign. That's why so many Warriors will pick up Block as their first talent, for example, and even the relatively squishy Tyrael can get his shield up on a decent cooldown while Sonya heals for a ton as she spins into her foes (Look at the warrior list, all of them have sustain built into their kits whether it's Muradin's trait or Diablo's. And the Warriors that are considered subpar, like Stitches, are the ones that have poor mechanisms keeping them alive). My point before was that this hero lacks such sustain. That there's not enough to keep them from being burst down in a hectic fight. All he has, in his basic kit, is a slightly longer health bar as a shield is just health that a healer can't restore. Which, yes, is going to let him live a little while longer especially if he has a large health pool to begin with. But not that much longer, not when the enemy focuses on him - which they will if he's charging into the thick of their formation and laying down as much pain as you want him to. There's nothing wrong with a squishier tank, Tyrael has similar problems staying alive, but a tank needs support for a defensive playstyle.

I'd do things like move the tier 5 talents lower in the tree. Medic Shield is a tier 1 or 2 trait, even if you feel you have to tone it down. And True Survivor is the sort of thing that really helps a Warfield survive - getting that shield is strong, though, so it might be at the right spot now. Then add things like that Tyrael talent where he's healed when someone hits him with his shield up or that similarly reduces the attack and move speed of his attackers. Not exactly those exactly abilities, but think about what that shield can do to help him survive even longer and really make his enemies want to break it. Also, maybe, how to help him out when it is finally broken.

If you really want to get wacky, though, what about a shield that's only 5% of maximum health? But that returns in 5 seconds? How does that change this character? Or a shield that, like my Fenix design, regenerates much like health does so it's less likely to run out (What happens when Warfield's shield is at 1%? Does it stay there until it's broken? Maybe when he's out of combat long enough, it refreshes. Maybe hitting people helps bring it back up - although that's Kerrigan territory). If all he has to rely on is that shield, then it needs to be coming back faster to keep him safe.
mpeti | August 7, 2015 3:02pm
Thanks for your feedback, it helps me a lot.

I rewrited and reworked the Trait. It's more understanable, and it fits more to my original idea.

"I'm not sure what kind of a Warrior you see Warfield being." I try to explain:
I've imagined a hero, who runs to the battle, starts hitting enemeys hard, and casts spells,to manipulate the team fight. I've wanted an ability, wich helps to survive, while you jump between your enemies (Combat Shield), with a longer cooldown, so you must wait between these actions. When you're in, you must deal damage, you must become a threat (Melee Assault, Hero of Torus).After your high-damage spells are no longer available, You can tank damage still, or run abit back and shot with your gun. I'we tried to made an ability (Murdermine), Wich is simple always good in team figths, when your in the middle, or when your on the edge of the brawle. Murdermine, Plasma Round and Helios Arrived helps you to prewail, when you're using your basic ranged weapon. Plasma Round also helps you to flee, or in chasing your enemies.

That's the concept, I've tried to make it useable to other strategies, with a good build.

If you've got any ideas to make the abilitis better, I welcome it. I'm remaking the talents to, make them more "Buildable".

I hope you understand my idea, and you like it ;)
Sausaletus (1) | August 3, 2015 11:37am
Solid hero. Great work so far.

I'm a bit confused about his Shield, though. You say it comes back in 15 seconds, but what does that mean? It comes back at full strength? It slowly builds back up over a period of a few seconds? Does that happen in combat? Or only when he's not being attacked? Does it happen automatically or does it only mean the trait goes off cooldown and you can cast it again (one of your talents mentions removing a mana cost but I don't see one). It's a nice mechanic but it could use some clarification.

Also, I'm not sure what kind of a Warrior you see Warfield being. Is he going to be a real disruptive terror like Diablo? If so, he's lacking initiation and strong crowd control (he gets one root, with his Q, and otherwise he's just wandering around autoattacking folks). Is he going to be an unstoppable brick wall like Johanna? If so, he's lacking in sustain (the shield is nice but it's just giving him a bigger health bar without a way to recover it when he needs it). Is he going to be a real damage dealer like a Tyrael? Diving into the enemy team and messing them up with just enough utility to keep him from being a glorrified Assassin? I actually think that's your best bet, with a Space Marine hero. But it would depend a lot on him being able to kick out enough damage to be a threat and, without numbers, I can't really tell where his power level would be.

Which is not to say I want to see you slap a bunch of numbers up or anything. Conceptually, what you have is fine and such specifics would come much further down the line, anyway. I'd just like to see those ideas refined a little more.

If you have a tank that deals no damage and doesn't disrupt the enemy team then you have Chen (well, Chen before he gets tools like Pressure Points, anyway). And hardly anyone plays Chen. Because he's boring and doesn't impact the game. Being able to survive damage is one thing. Something, yes, that tanks need to do well. But a good tank needs to do more. They have to be a threat. Whether that's by doing credible damage or snaring targets left and right, it doesn't matter. The key thing is that they can't be ignored in a team fight. They have to suck up damage and disables that would otherwise be going towards shutting down their more vulnerable teammates. Saying you have a character who can take a lot of hits is great. It's a nice first step. Thinking about the next. What are they going to do once those hits have happened?
furynator (3) | July 15, 2015 12:04am
Nice abilities and talents. Keep up the good work.
RegisMeilleur (1) | July 14, 2015 11:52am
You have my vote :)
Jeremiah | July 14, 2015 11:50am
Cool concept of a Starcraft Marine tank.
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