Imperius is a straight up tanky warrior. He has good initiation, high durability, strong cc, all that good stuff. He can charge deep into the enemy team, crash down on a priority target, and keep the enemy away from less durable members of his team. He is highly reliant on his abilities to accomplish anything though, and due to his naturally reduced movement speed he needs to be very aware of where he is in accordance to the rest of his team, especially since he has no self sustain, somewhat similarly to Johanna and Muradin. He functions in most team comps but does work better on teams that can work well with him insane engage.
Valor Stacks are pretty simple seeming but are a huge factor in keeping you alive. The more enemies there are around you the less damage you will take, which makes it most potent when there are lots of enemies around you, which is also where you are most likely to die. On the flipside it also has next to no value in 1v1 scenarios or PvE. Luckily if you have your team to back you up then it pretty much adds 30% more health and healing, especially when coupled with your very high health pool (bested only by the highest of health Tanks). This of course makes you somewhat susceptible to % health damage, but your high mobility makes it harder for them to hit you with it.
Solar Beam is a good way to keep enemies off of your squishies, while also allowing you to deal damage yourself. If an enemy is out of range of your basic attacks this ability will slow them down for you and your team to catch up to, and it also allows for a little bit of waveclear. Heroic Charge is one key component to his engagement potential with a bloody massive speed boost once you get close enough and a pretty strong stun, so use it early to offset your naturally sucky movespeed or as a way to escape if absolutely necessary. Using it in the middle of combat isn't quite as powerful but it still lets you move faster, and you especially need to be careful when using it as an escape in case the enemy decides to stun you out of it. If you want to catch up to an enemy who's faster than you then try using Solar Beam to slow then down just enough to catch up to them. Or, just use Angelic Crash, an ability that takes time to prepare but then provides a pretty great and long-ranged mobility tool. It doesn't deal raw damage but has a lot of range, and can be used as one of your few escapes.
Heavenly Hosts is another very powerful engagement tool. Using it to initiate a fight disorients the enemy and can split them up, and if in the middle of a fight it can separate and disable a large portion of the enemy team for a moment. It can also peel by pushing enemies away from your team leaving you alone in the midst of their entire team. Holy Bombardment on the other hand is effective in the middle of a battle if you already have an initiator. It deals an okay amount of damage, but repeatedly punching the enemy damage dealers with beams of light is both satisfying for you and annoying for the enemy. Use it to shut down channeled abilities like Ravenous Spirit or Strafe, or use it to prevent the enemy team from escaping.
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