Jaina Cooldown : 60s Launch a fireball that deal 150 (+10) damage to an enemy. Also deal 150 (+15) damage over 3s. |
Malfurion Cooldown : 30s Give 25% of your maximum life as a shield for 5s. As long as you have the shield, you attack damage is increased by 30%. The shield have now an infinite duration (but can't be stacked by using this ability again). |
Rexxar Cooldown : 20s 10s Launch an arrow dealing 50 (+15) damage to an enemy. This ability have a long range. |
Uther Cooldown : 10s Summon a silver hand recruit (which have the doubled stat than the warrior minion). If there is two close silver hand recruit, they receive 80% less damage. |
Anduin Cooldown : 10s Heal a unit for 15% of their max life. This ability now (the healing ability is lost) deal 15% of max life of an enemy (exept boss, etc.). |
Valeera Cooldown : 10s Your next two basic attack now deal double damage. If you attack the same target with your buffed basic attack, all your basic attack will deal double damage until you attack an other unit. |
Thrall Cooldown : 15s Summon a random totem that does not already exist on the map. You can use your auto attack on your totem, if you attack it twice in a row, it will be destroyed. If all 4 totems are already on the map, allow you to put an other that have the power of the 4 totems (and 10000 hp). Does not work if there is already a "super totem". Healing totem : 1000 hp, heal nearby hero for 5% of their max life. Searing totem : 800 hp, deal 5% of max life of nearby enemy unit. Stoneclaw totem : 10000 hp, take 50% of nearby damage done to ally. Direct attack to the totem deal 4 times damages. Wrath of air totem : 600 hp, increase nearby hero ability by 20%. |
Gul'dan Cooldown : 60s 45s Draw a card with 2s canalisations but take 20% of his max life as damage. There is no longer canalisation time.. |
Garrosh Cooldown : 60s Grant 25% of his max life as shield for 25s. If after 10s his shield got no damage, grant an other 25% as shield. |
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Site inglês, faz comentário em português... FVCK LOGICS
Translation: English site, writes comment in portuguese... FVCK LOGICS
o coment em pt foi intencional... voce entendeu e o individuo do post do heroi tambem... isso que importa ;)
Site inglês, faz comentário em português... FVCK LOGICS
Translation: English site, writes comment in portuguese... FVCK LOGICS
I currently trying to write detail, and I discovered he his not exactly like I imagined him. I was thinking someone with lots of spell, but for now he is more a big summoner (but he is still great). This is due to the fact I use existing hearthstone card (of course class card while come and they will have spell :p).
I still haven't write talent part, but it's true it could be an hero with talent (exept heroic), but I really love the talent port of this moba, so I think I can sitll offer different way to play it :D
Let me know what you think of actual choosen cards / the fact it his a big summoner.
Would this hero even need talents? It seems like his abilities already make him all-rounder and buffy.