Damaging an enemy hero with an ability grants 1 stack of Ionian Fervor, multiple enemy heroes hit by 1 ability will grant multiple stacks. Every stack grants 5% additional attack speed, up to 5 stacks, for 5 seconds. At 5 stacks gain an addtional 10% attack speed and deal 50% more damage to shields. Damaging enemy heroes refreshes the duration of Ionian Fervor.
Primary Abilities
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Mana: 20
Dash through an enemy and deal 80 damage to the target, deal an additional 100% damage to minions. If the target dies, or was Marked, remove the Mark and refresh the cooldown of Bladesurge
Defiant Dance
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Mana: 80
Channel for 1.5 seconds, gain 50 armour and Unstoppable. The ability can be recast any time during the channel to deal 50 damage in a line, for every 0.5 seconds channeling deal an additional 35 damage. The ability will automatically recast at the cursor's position after 1.5 seconds.
Flawless Duet
Cooldown: 14 seconds.
Mana: 60
Place a blade in the target location. Within 4 seconds, the ability can be recast to place a blade in another location and deal 140 damage to all enemies between the baldes. Enemy heroes are Marked for 7 seconds and stunned for 0.75 seconds if damaged by Flawless duet. If the ability was not recast within 4 seconds, Irelia will drop a blade by her feet and the affects will trigger.
Heroic Abilities
Vanguard's Edge
Cooldown: 80 seconds
Mana: 80
Throw projectiles in the target direction, if it hits an enemy Hero, deal 60 damage to that Hero and make a spade shaped cage of blades extending outwards, dealing 45 damage to all enemy Heroes hit. Enemy Heroes hit by the initial hit or the cage blades get Marked for 5 seconds. Enemy Heroes who walk through the cage get slowed by 60% for 6 seconds.
Lv 1
Lunge [Q]:
Increase Bladesurge's range by 30%.
Ionian War Tactics [P]:
Increase the duration of Ionian Fervor by 100%.
Strategic Distraction [E]:
Flawless Duet's recast range is increased by 45%.
Lv 4
Ionian revenge [P]:
Enemies who recently damaged Irelia will take an additional 40% damage on her next basic attack within 5 seconds.
Breath Control [Q]:
Bladesurge kills now grant a stack of Ionian Fervor.
Balanced Stance [W]:
Upon blocking 300 or more damage with Defiant Dance, gain 40 armour for 3 seconds
Lv 7
Ionian Spirit [P]:
At 5 stacks of Ionian Fervor, gain 40% lifesteal on basic attacks. [Passive]: Basic attacks now cleave for full damage.
Bloodthirst [Q]:
Killing an enemy or consuming a Mark now heals Irelia for 2% of her maximum health.
Dance of War [W]:
100% of the damage absorbed by Defiant Dance will be converted to shields after the channel ends. The shields decay over 5 seconds.
Lv 10
Assassination [R]:
The inital damage of Vanguard's Edge deals 200% more damage and puts 3 Marks on the enemy Hero which last 5 seconds.
Bird Cage [R]:
Enemies who walk through the Cage get their armour reduced by 25 for 5 seconds and are Marked for 5 seconds.
Sharpened Blades [R]:
Enemies who walk through the Cage get dealt 160 damage over 4 seconds and are slowed by an addtional 30% for 3 seconds. Enemies who walk through the Cage now take 15% more damage from Irelia for as long as they are bleeding.
Lv 13
Deep Wounds [E]:
Flawless duet's damage is doubled and the Marks can be stacked up to 2 times.
Blade Storm [W]:
Defiant Dance deals 10 damage every 0.1 second of the channel. Defiant Dance heals for 50% of any damage dealt.
Resurgance [Q]:
Bladesurge grants 30% movement speed for 5 seconds, killing an enemy permenantly increases Irelia's movement speed by 0.1% up to 30%.
Lv 16
Wartime Mark [P]:
Upon consuming a Mark, deal 4% of the target's maximum health.
Mark of the Chosen [P]:
If only one enemy is Marked, when consuming it, reapply a Mark to the target. Can only happen once an appliccation.
Right of Battle [Q]:
Consuming a Mark makes the next Bladesurge deal an addtional 50% damage to the next target with a Mark on them.
Lv 20
Songs of War [R]:
Gain all LV 10 Talents.
Blade Dancer [Q]:
At 5 stacks of Ionian Fervor, Bladesurge deals 50% additional damage and bleeds enemy heroes for 100 damage over 3 seconds. This effect does not stack but can be refreshed. Killing enemies or consuming Marks permenantly increases the damage of Bladesurge by 2% up to 30%. [Passive]: Upon damaging an enemy Hero, gain 2% spell power for 10 seconds, refreshing and stacking up to 30%.
Blink [Active]:
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Teleport a short distance and refresh the cooldown of Bladesurge and refresh the recast time of Flawless Duet.
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