On each successful hit, reduces healing received by 25% for 4 seconds, the effect does not stack. Increases the Movement speed and Attack speed by 25% while an enemy hero is affected by Curse of terror.
Primary Abilities
Iskatu swipes in the target hero, attacking his victim 3 times(three basic attacks) quickly and heals Iskatu for 60% of the damage dealt.
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Iskatu infects the mind of an enemy with cruel visions of their demise, dealing damage for 5 seconds. If the target dies while afflicted by Madness, they pass on to a nearby enemy.
Cooldown: 10 seconds.
lurking terror
Iskatu vanishes for 5 seconds. While invisible, he can pass through other units and his next basic attack cause fear by 0.25 seconds. The effect persists after cancel the ability.
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Heroic Abilities
Iskatu summon a clone himself for 3 seconds. The clone is invulnerable, and channel fire breath in a selected line, though cannot change its direction.
Cooldown: 20 seconds.
Void storm
Iskatu sacrifice 20% of his maximum life for vanish for 6 seconds. For every 0.5 of his absence, can conjure a deadly pool of void energy anywhere within the range for 2.5 seconds. These pools deal very little damage at first, but their damage constantly increases(doubles every 0.25 seconds to a limit of 2 seconds).
While invisible, Iskatu cannot be harmed in any way.
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