The Hunt Continues
Trait worgens no longer time out while the hunt is going on, and they get set back to 15 seconds once the Hunt bonus ends. The bonus now lasts 5 seconds longer. Ivar's trait recharges by 2 charges when you activate this.
Truly Endless
Using "The Hunt Never Ends" now reveals every enemy hero to Ivar in a fashion similar to his E ability for 15 seconds. While this is active, Ivar charges enemy heroes and stuns them for 0.5 second, instantly dealing three times his auto attack's damage. The charge can happen every 3 seconds, and Ivar also gets 40% life steal while this is active, this bonus also applies to his worgens. The worgens summoned by this now last forever, and they can now get 350% health bonus instead, and get the same health regen as Ivar currently has. Darkflight now also applies to them.
Frenzied Wolves
Ivar attacks 50% faster and gains +1.5 damage scaling, applying to every previous levels. Ivar's Worgens attack 35% faster and gain +10% life steal.
Lone Wolf
Ivar loses his current heroic ability and his trait, replacing the trait by "Lone Wolf", and his heroic by "Decisive Strike".
Lone Wolf (Trait) : Ivar gains +300 health and gains +40 health scaling per level, applying to all previous levels. Ivar now attacks 50% faster and gains +4 damage scaling, applying to every previous levels. Ivar also gains a passive 5% extra movement speed and gains, passively, 20% life steal, which triples if no ally is nearby.
Decisive Strike (Heroic) : Every 5 seconds, Ivar's next attack deals 100% extra damage (this does not stack, the cooldown starts when you get the bonus off by dying or by hitting something). This can be activated to activate a 35 seconds cooldown and to make your next 3 basic attacks deal 110% more damage, the cooldown only starts when you get the bonus off. This heroic does not give you any bonuses while the cooldown is on.
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