Junkrat by VikingEagle

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By: VikingEagle
Last Updated: Dec 10, 2015
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Master Blaster


Steps on the toes of my old Morik Concept, but whatever.

Skin Variations: Yellow with Brown, Orange with Black, White with Chrome.

Difficulty: Medium.
HP: 740 (+150)
Mana: 500 (+10)
Basic Attack Damage: 41 (+11)
Basic Attack Speed: 1
Basic Attack Range: 5.5

Combat Trait

D - Frag Launcher
(Passive) Basic attacks deal 50% splash damage to nearby enemies.

Primary Abilities

Q - Concussion Mine
(Ranged Trap Summon) Throw a Concussive Mine on the ground that can be detonated at anytime to deal 95 (+25) damage and knocks enemies back. Explosion also knocks you back, but does not damage or daze you. Mine is permanent until detonated or destroyed (any 3 basic attacks, just like Pufferfish). Does not explode when destroyed. Only one Mine can be active at a time, replacing a mine destroys the old one without triggering it. Arming time: 0.25. Mana Cost: 60. Cooldown: 10.
W - Steel Trap
(Ranged Trap Summon) Throw an immobilizing trap that deals 70 (+20) damage and roots an enemy hero for 2 seconds when they step on it. Trap is permanent until triggered or destroyed (3 basic attacks). Only one Trap may be active at a time, casting the ability again destroys the old trap. Arming time: 0.5. Mana Cost: 70. Cooldown: 12.
E - Total Mayhem
(Passive) When Junkrat dies, he drops 6 grenades that explode for 56 (+12) damage each after a delay of 1.5 seconds.

Secondary Abilities

Q - Detonate Mine
Detonate your Concussion Mine. Mana Cost: 0. Cooldown: 0.5.
R1 - Fire in the Hole!
Detonate your Rip_Tire. Mana Cost: 0. Cooldown: 1.5.

Heroic Abilities

R1 - Rip_Tire
(Controllable Skillshot/Summon) After a short delay, Junkrat rolls out a motorized tire bomb that can be detonated to deal 300 (+60) damage, you control the Rip_Tire instead of Junkrat during this time. Rip_Tire has 235 (+45) HP, moves at 125% speed, is Unstoppable, can travel over Doodads and Structures, and if it's destroyed it will explode anyway for 50% damage. At the end of its duration, Rip_Tire explodes anyway for full damage. If Junkrat is killed, you can still control the Rip_Tire. Duration: 10. Mana Cost: 100. Cooldown: 60.
R2 - Whole Hog
(Self Buff) Junkrat rides on the back of his partner in crime, Roadhog. Junkrat can still attack and cast abilities as normal while on Roadhog. Roadhogs fires his Chain Scrap Gun in front of himself in a large cone that deals 44 (+6) damage per second. Roadhog has a separate 1060 (+230) HP healthbar, but when he dies, he takes Junkrat with him. Duration: 18 seconds. Mana Cost: 100Cooldown: 85.


Level 1:
D: Warrior of the Wasteland - Splash damage deals full damage to Non-heroic targets.
Q: Ayatollah of Rock and Rollah - Also stuns Non-Heroic targets for 4 seconds.
E: Die Historic - Every 12 minion kills, add an extra grenade to the cluster, these stacks are lost at death. Maximum of 6 extra grenades. Hero kills count as 5 minion kills.
Level 4:
D: Master of Disaster - Increase explosion radius by 50%.
W: Blood Bag - Basic Attacks against an enemy caught in a trap heal you equal to 100% of the damage dealt.
W: Jaws of Death - Deals an extra 10% damage for every second it’s active. Maximum of 100% extra damage.
Sabotage: New generic ability. Activate to deal 230 (+35) damage to a structure and drain 10 ammo over 10 secondsCooldown: 40.

Level 7:
Q: Guzzolene Bomb - Increase explosion radius and knockback by 50%.
Q: Rat Trap - Deals 25% extra damage to targets caught in the Steel Trap.
Q: Spring Pegged Jim - After knocking yourself back, gain 20% increased movement speed for 3 second.
W: Catch and Release - Can now catch Non-Heroic targets. If one is caught, the Steel Trap rearms afterward instead of being destroyed.
E: Witness Me! - Grenades are now thrown in the direction of your killer and deal 50% extra damage to the killer.
Level 10:
Heroic Abilities
Level 13:
Q: Class JobStuns enemies who are caught in the Steel Trap for 1 second instead of knocking them back.
W: Pig Killer - At the end of the root duration, apply a 70% slow that fades out over 2 seconds.
D: Experimental Mirv - Can be activated to make your next basic attack spawn 4 mini-grenades at the point of impact that deal 16 (+4) damage each after a 1 second delay. Cooldown: 10.
E: Kama-Crazy - Can now be activated to cast a non-talented version. Mana Cost: 70Cooldown: 10.
Spell Shield

Level 16:
W: Fish in a Barrel - Also makes the target take 25% increased damage for 4 seconds.
W: Buzzard - Can now have a maximum of 3 active traps at a time. Placing a 4th Trap destroys the oldest Trap.
Shiny and Chrome: Activate to increase your attack speed by 40%. If you die in this mode, Total Mayhem has no delay. Duration: 7. Cooldown: 60.
Level 20:
R1: Road Fury - Moves 50% faster, deals an extra 10% damage for every second spent moving, and the duration is increased by 2 seconds.
R2: Take a Breather - When Roadhog is at 50% HP or less, he heals himself equal to 75% of his Maximum HP over 8 seconds, becomes Unstoppable for 4 seconds, and increases his duration by 6 seconds.
E: Live, Die, Live Again - Every minion killed by Total Mayhem reduces your Death Timer by 5%, every hero killed and structure destroyed by 20%. Maximum of 80% Death Timer reduction.
Bolt of the Storm


Master Skin:
I like Mad Max, sue me.
Skin Variations: Grey with YellowBlack with OrangeChrome with Black.
Changes: Roadhog is dressed like Blaster.

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