Junkrat by Bkfootball03

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By: Bkfootball03
Last Updated: Sep 23, 2017
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Demolitions Expert

Junkrat's coming out in a week or two anyway, so I thought I would show what I think he should be.

Junkrat is an explosives-obsessed freak who lives to cause chaos and destruction.


Burst Damage
Wave Clear



Combat Trait

Total Mayhem
Total Mayhem: When killed, Junkrat drops 6 live grenades at his location that deals 150(+4.5)damage per grenade.

Frag Launcher: Junkrat's basic attacks deal damage in an area, dealing 100% damage to the targeted enemy and 70% to nearby enemies.

Primary Abilities

Lobbed Shot
Junkrat fires a grenade over terrain, dealing his basic attack damage. If an enemy is hit directly by the grenade, it deals 100% damage to them and 70% damage to nearby enemies. If the grenade misses, it stays live for 2 seconds before dealing 70% damage to all nearby enemies.

Comes with 4 charges.

Charge Cooldown: 0.5 seconds
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Mana Cost: 25
Use: Area
Concussion Mine
Junkrat throws a Concussion Mine at an area. When detonated, it deals 200(+4.0) damage to all enemies in the area and knocks them away from the mine.

Cooldown: 8 seconds
Mana Cost: 60
Use: Area
Steel Trap
Junkrat lays down an invisible Steel Trap at a location. If an enemy hero walks over the trap, they are Stunned for 0.5 seconds, after which they are Rooted for 3 seconds.

Cooldown: 10 seconds
Mana Cost: 60
Use: Area

Secondary Abilities

Incendiary Rounds
For 5 seconds, grenades fired by Lobbed Shot cause fire when they explode. The fire deals 100(+2) damage per second to enemies who stand in it. The fire lasts 6 seconds.
Smoke Rounds
For 5 seconds, grenades fired by Lobbed shot leave smoke behind that causes enemies in the smoke to be Silenced. The smoke lasts 4 seconds.
Direct Hit Rounds
For 5 seconds, grenades fired by Lobbed Shot deal 200% damage on direct hits and deal no splash damage. Grenades that do not direct hit have no effect.
Detonate Concussion Mine
Junkrat detonates his active Concussion Mine.

Heroic Abilities

Junkrat places down a RIP-Tire with 400(+5) health. Junkrat controls the RIP-Tire for 10 seconds, until it detonates, or it is destroyed. If Junkrat detonates it or the 10 seconds is reached, it deals 500(+6) damage to all enemies in the area.

If the RIP-Tire is destroyed, it does not detonate.

Junkrat cannot control himself while the RIP-Tire is active.

Junkrat uses this ability to detonate the RIP-Tire while it is active.

Cooldown: 50 seconds
Mana Cost: 100
Use: Instant Use
Specialized Rounds
Passive: Junkrat gains new abilities, which he uses to buff his Lobbed Shot.

Cooldown: 30 seconds(Using one starts the cooldown on the rest of them.)
Mana Cost: 0
Use: Instant Use


Level 1

Rolling Rounds: When Lobbed Shot misses, the grenade travels a small distance in the direction opposite of where it was fired.

Concussive Blast: Concussion Mine knocks enemies back 30% farther.

Steel Arm: Increase Steel Trap's range by 50%.

Level 4

Mine Jumping: Junkrat can use Concussion Mine to propel himself over terrain.

Fragmentation Junkrat's basic attacks and Lobbed Shot deal 100% splash damage to nearby enemies.

Imprisoning Projectile: Steel Trap can activate before it reaches its destination.

Complete Mayhem: Junkrat can activate Total Mayhem to drop 6 grenades at his location. Junkrat's passive does not activate if he is killed while this is on cooldown. Cooldown: 15

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