(Melee Warrior) A bruiser, and gladiator at heart, that dispatches singular enemies and disrupts groups in glorious fashion.
I've wanted a true gladiator for awhile now, as someone that enjoyed Draven, and Kargath's raid encounter pretty much writes a kit on its own for a brutal, up-front fighter in front of spectators (maybe future interactions if they implement spectator mode, hmm?). Alongside Blackhand, his design is also the most striking, in large part due to having a literal blade fist, so out of the travesty that was Warlords of Draenor, he still remains memorable. His basic abilities are almost exactly like how they are in Highmaul, with even his heroics only having some properties changed to fit a MOBA.
-High damage in any match-up
-High self-sustain
-High crowd control
-Good engage
-Dangerous with a full trait
-Sustain can be shut down by blinds
-Much weaker if constantly focused down
-Missed abilities are punishing
-Limited defensive options early
-Abilities lock you into their animations, leaving you vulnerable
-Escape potential can have an opportunity cost
Medium Difficulty
2341 health
80 basic attack damage
1.4 attack speed
1.4 attack range
500 mana
4% scaling
https://heroeshearth.com/concepts/heroes/Malkav/kargath-bladefist/ talents can be seen here due to HH's much easier talent organization
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