Store Greeting (Pre-Purchase): "Kneel when you greet me."
Purchase: "You do not know what you've unleashed."
Store Greeting (Post-Purchase): "You again?"
Ready: "Now its time..."
Intro - Greeting Varian: "Greetings, my King..."
Intro - Greeting Kerrigan: "The Queen of Blades...perhaps you can use my help."
Intro - Greeting Junkrat: "Such filth deserves to be thrown into the stockades...but I have other plans for you."
Intro - Greeting Alexstrasza: "Oh my, have I attracted the Red Dragonflight already?"
Intro - Greeting Deathwing: "Oh my, yes, hello father..."
Intro - Greeting Anduin: "Ah, the boy survived I see..."
Intro - Greeting Hogger: "Didn't we put a bounty on you?"
Intro - Qhira: "A bounty hunter, huh? Looking for work?"
Intro - Murky: "How did a murloc end up amongst my whelps?"
Intro - Greeting Positive: "Ah, I know what we can have you do."
Intro - Greeting Negative: "Feel free to kiss my ring."
Intro - Response Positive: "We will win any cost."
Intro - Response Negative: "Soon I will turn you into my pawn."
What 1: "Yes?"
What 2: "By your command."
Pissed 1: "This Nexus is filled with insignificant whelps...*baby dragon growls in background* Oh no honey, mommy didn't mean you."
Pissed 2: "Like Medievh, I enjoy playing quite a few games. And like Medivh, I cheat."
Pissed 3: "Don't make me angry. You won't like me when I'm angry.
Pissed 4: "Alexstrasza being here unsettles me. There are already far to many Dragons in the Nexus."
Pissed 5: "Do you think Varian is still mad that I split her personalities, had him cast into the sea, fight in a gladiator arena, and stole his son? No...I don't think he can still be holding on to that grudge, can he?"
Pissed 6: "This Nexus has a Dragon Knight, and that honestly confuses me. Why would you want a Dragon who is a knight, when you can have a Knight who is also a Dragon...*evil laugh*"
Pissed 7: "My what keen eyes I, what sharp fangs I, what large, fear-inspiring wings I beat..."
Move 1: "Very well"
Move 2: "I'm moving."
Move 3: "Where is my escort?"
Hearthstone: "I am returning to the base."
Getting Healed: "Mm. Could be better."
Attack 1: "Must I dirty my hands?"
Attack 2: "Pathetic."
Killing a Hero 1: "Should've put a bounty on you."
Killing a Hero 2: "Shame I had to do this myself."
Killing Varian: "Ah, sweet, sweet revenge."
Killing Alexstrasza: "You fool! It was me, Onyxia, all along!"
Killing Genji: "Such a disgrace to dragons."
Killing Hanzo: "You could've been my personal champion."
Killing Deckard: "Don't you dare identify me."
Killing Deathwing: "You're done for, father! I rule the Flight now!"
Killing Falstad: "What a tasty snack!"
Death: "My plans..."
Revived: "Hehehe...I have returned."
Ping - Kill Hero: "A reward to this hero's killer!"
Ping - Capture Mercs: "Subdue these mercenaries"
Ping - Help Ally: "I suppose we should save our ally."
Ping - Help Me: "Help me!"
Ping - Destroy Fort: "Incite this fort to destruction"
Ping - Defend Fort: "We must protect our homefront."
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