Katrina Prestor (Onyxia) (v2.1) by Therson

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Katrina Prestor (Onyxia) (v2.1)

By: Therson
Last Updated: Jul 31, 2023
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Katrina Prestor (Onyxia) (v2.1)

Stormwind's Traitor

"It seems you need another lesson, mortals"

Onyxia was the daughter of Deathwing and his Prime Consort Sintharia and the broodmother of the black dragonflight on Azeroth. Like her father and her brother Nefarian, she had a human guise, appearing as Stormwind noblewoman Katrana Prestor. Seeking to take control of the Kingdom of Stormwind, she manipulated a conflict between the Stonemasons and the House of Nobles that led to the death of Queen Tiffin Wrynn. She later had King Varian Wrynn abducted by the Defias Brotherhood on route to Theramore Isle. Prestor subsequently became a royal councilor to his 10-year-old son Anduin Wrynn and controlled Highlord Bolvar Fordragon with the Drakefire Amulet. Onyxia was slain and beheaded in her lair by King Varian upon his return when her true identity was revealed, thus restoring the line of Stormwind's kings. After the return of her father and the Shattering that resulted, she was reanimated by her brother Nefarian as an electrical undead monstrosity. Ultimately, she would be destroyed once more, along with Nefarian, in the Blackwing Descent.

Here in the Nexus, Katrina Prestor, or rather Onyxia, will put her plans into motion. All of the Nexus will serve her will, and the disobedient ones will meet...an untimely fate. Will the Heroes of the Nexus uncover her plots before its to late? Or will the Raven Lord make use of her draconic charm?


Health: 1550 (+4%/level)
Health Regen: 12.5% (+0.85%/level)

Mana: 500 (+10/level)
Mana Regen: 3 (+0.0975/level)

Attack: 87 (+4%/level)
Attack Speed: 1.0
Attack Range: 5.0

Difficulty: Easy

-Buffs allies to push lanes faster
-Strong in lane
-Deadly heroic abilities

-Poor outside of lane
-No escapes
-Rough early game

Best Paired With:
-The Lost Vikings

Countered By:

Color Scheme:
1: Katrina Prestor
2: Stormwind Katrina Prestor
3: Onyx Katrina Prestor
4: Crimson Katrina Prestor

Combat Trait

Activate to Manipulate an allied hero. Manipulated allied heroes deal 15% increased damage to enemy structures. Katrina can only manipulate one allied hero at a time. Casting Manipulation on the same target, or casting on a different allied hero, will remove Manipulation This has unlimited range.

Empowered Manipulation: Activate to Manipulate an allied hero. Manipulated allied heroes deal 25% increased damage to all targets. Currently manipulated targets will automatically gain the Empowered Manipulation affect.

Primary Abilities

Katrina casts a small area of effect spell that confuses the enemy minions, making them turn and attack each other for 3 seconds.

Empowered Confusion: Katrina casts a large area of effect spell that confuses the enemy minions and non-boss mercenaries making them turn and attack each other for 3 seconds.

Mana Cost: 30
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Break Illusion
Katrina targets an allied minion and transforms it, revealing that it is in fact one of her black dragonkin in disguise. The black dragonkin have more 50% more health than a normal minion. The black dragonkin attacks from a melee range and does the same damage as a melee minion.

Empowered Break Illusion: Katrina targets an allied or enemy minion and reveals that it is in fact one of her black dragonkin in disguise. The black dragonkin has 100% more health than a normal minion. The cooldown for this is reduced down to 5 seconds.

Mana Cost: 50
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Katrina unleashes a burst of fire in a cone in front of her dealing 130 (+5%/level) damage, dealing 2x as much to enemy minions and mercenaries.

Empowered Dragonbreath: Katrina unleashes a burst of fire in front of her, dealing 260 (+4%/level), dealing twice as much to minions, mercenaries, and non-core structures. Enemies hit by Empowered Dragonbreath also take 75 (+4%/level) damage for 3 seconds after being hit.

Mana Cost: 30
Cooldown: 10 Seconds

Heroic Abilities

Katrina summons fourth 12 of her black dragon whelplings to fly down a lane of her choice to help the allies of Katrina push a lane. Each whelpling has the same attack as a ranged minion but attack from a melee range, and can be killed in two basic attacks from any source.

Mana Cost: 150
Cooldown: 90 Seconds
I am Onyxia!
Katrina sheds her guise, revealing that she is in fact Onyxia. While in this form her attacks splash to nearby enemy and her abilities become empowered. This form lasts for 30 seconds. Cooldown starts after this ability is finished.

Mana Cost: 150
Cooldown: 180 Seconds


Level 1:
Unleash Fire- Dragonbreath now deals 2x damage to heroes, but no longer does bonus damage to minions, mercenaries, and structures.
Guiding Hand- Manipulation now increases also increases movement speed of Katrina's target by an extra 15%, but this slows her movement speed by 10% as long as Manipulation is active.
Spontaneous Confusion- Confusion's cooldown is reduced to 10 seconds, but the area of effect for Confusion is reduced by 33%.

Level 4:
Riotous Action- For every minion killed while under the effects of Confusion, the cooldown for Break Illusion is reduced by 1 second.
Maddening Flames- For every minion killed while under the effects of Confusion, the cooldown for Dragonbreath is reduced by 1 second.
Watching the Chaos- For every minion killed while under the effects of Confusion, Katrina's health and mana is restored by 2%.

Level 7:
Onxyian Champion- Break Illusion now summons a stronger black dragonkin champion that taunts nearby enemy minions and has an additional 25% health. Break Illusion's cooldown is now increased by 5 seconds.
Onxyian Dragonpriest- Break Illusion now summons a Black Dragonpriest that heals nearby allied minions. Additionally, the Black Dragonpriest does ranged damage equal to a Wizard Minion. Break Illusion's cooldown is now increased by 3 seconds.
Onxyian Drake- Break Illusion now summons a Black Drake that is ranged and deals splash damage. Additionally, the Black Drake does ranged damage equal to a Ranged Minion. Break Illusion's cooldown is now increased by 5 seconds.

Level 10:
Already Listed Above!

Level 13:
Battlefield Madness- Confusion now affects enemy heroes, stunning them for 1 second within the area of effect. Increase the cooldown of Confusion by 3 seconds.
Exploit Greed- Confusion now blinds enemy heroes caught in its area of effect for 3 seconds.
Betraying Leadership- Confusion now makes enemy minions prioritize any nearby enemy heroes to attack.

Level 16:
I'll Handle This Myself- Add a second charge to Confusion and Dragonbreath.
Will of the Black Dragon- Activate to instantly capture a non-boss mercenary camp. Everytime Break Illusion is used, the cooldown of this is reduced by 5 seconds. Has a 120 second cooldown.
Long-Standing Ploy- Break Illusion cast range now increased by 400%.

Level 20:
Feeding Time- Activate on a target to cause Whelplings to now spawn in a moderate area of effect around the target rather than from the core. The Whelplings will now focus on the target, and each Whelpling's attack against an enemy hero reduces the cooldown of Whelplings by 0.5 seconds. Not choosing a target will still spawn the Whelplings in the lane of her choosing.
True Raid Boss- Activating I am Onyxia! will cause six whelplings to spawn around her to attack her enemies. Every two Empowered Abilities cast spawns another whelpling.
Deep-Rooted Corruption- Manipulation can now affect a total of three targets.
Always Watching- Activate to teleport to your Manipulated target. Has a long cast range. Has a 180 second cooldown.

In-Game Quotes

Store Greeting (Pre-Purchase): "Kneel when you greet me."
Purchase: "You do not know what you've unleashed."
Store Greeting (Post-Purchase): "You again?"
Ready: "Now its time..."
Intro - Greeting Varian: "Greetings, my King..."
Intro - Greeting Kerrigan: "The Queen of Blades...perhaps you can use my help."
Intro - Greeting Junkrat: "Such filth deserves to be thrown into the stockades...but I have other plans for you."
Intro - Greeting Alexstrasza: "Oh my, have I attracted the Red Dragonflight already?"
Intro - Greeting Deathwing: "Oh my, yes, hello father..."
Intro - Greeting Anduin: "Ah, the boy survived I see..."
Intro - Greeting Hogger: "Didn't we put a bounty on you?"
Intro - Qhira: "A bounty hunter, huh? Looking for work?"
Intro - Murky: "How did a murloc end up amongst my whelps?"
Intro - Greeting Positive: "Ah, I know what we can have you do."
Intro - Greeting Negative: "Feel free to kiss my ring."
Intro - Response Positive: "We will win together...by any cost."
Intro - Response Negative: "Soon I will turn you into my pawn."
What 1: "Yes?"
What 2: "By your command."
Pissed 1: "This Nexus is filled with insignificant whelps...*baby dragon growls in background* Oh no honey, mommy didn't mean you."
Pissed 2: "Like Medievh, I enjoy playing quite a few games. And like Medivh, I cheat."
Pissed 3: "Don't make me angry. You won't like me when I'm angry.
Pissed 4: "Alexstrasza being here unsettles me. There are already far to many Dragons in the Nexus."
Pissed 5: "Do you think Varian is still mad that I split her personalities, had him cast into the sea, fight in a gladiator arena, and stole his son? No...I don't think he can still be holding on to that grudge, can he?"
Pissed 6: "This Nexus has a Dragon Knight, and that honestly confuses me. Why would you want a Dragon who is a knight, when you can have a Knight who is also a Dragon...*evil laugh*"
Pissed 7: "My what keen eyes I have...my, what sharp fangs I have...my, what large, fear-inspiring wings I beat..."
Move 1: "Very well"
Move 2: "I'm moving."
Move 3: "Where is my escort?"
Hearthstone: "I am returning to the base."
Getting Healed: "Mm. Could be better."
Attack 1: "Must I dirty my hands?"
Attack 2: "Pathetic."
Killing a Hero 1: "Should've put a bounty on you."
Killing a Hero 2: "Shame I had to do this myself."
Killing Varian: "Ah, sweet, sweet revenge."
Killing Alexstrasza: "You fool! It was me, Onyxia, all along!"
Killing Genji: "Such a disgrace to dragons."
Killing Hanzo: "You could've been my personal champion."
Killing Deckard: "Don't you dare identify me."
Killing Deathwing: "You're done for, father! I rule the Flight now!"
Killing Falstad: "What a tasty snack!"
Death: "My plans..."
Revived: "Hehehe...I have returned."
Ping - Kill Hero: "A reward to this hero's killer!"
Ping - Capture Mercs: "Subdue these mercenaries"
Ping - Help Ally: "I suppose we should save our ally."
Ping - Help Me: "Help me!"
Ping - Destroy Fort: "Incite this fort to destruction"
Ping - Defend Fort: "We must protect our homefront."

Skin Ideas

Twilight Acolyte Katrina: Not even Katrina Prestor was immune to the enticing influence of the Twilight's Hammer Cult. Seeking to bring a Cataclysmic end to the world, she will don the robes familiar to all acolytes to enact her plans. Katrina's new appearance will be a call to the cultists in World of Warcraft, wearing a dark purple and black robe accompanied by hood with ornate markings on the cloth. The staff she wields now will contain a black crystal at the tip of it that radiates shadow magic, perfect for the master manipulator that she is.

Color Schemes:

1. Twilight Acolyte Katrina
2. Onyx Twilight Acolyte Katrina
3. Nefarious Twilight Acolyte Katrina
4. Sinister Twilight Acolyte Katrina

[PH] Sky Temple Advisor

[PH] Raven Envoy


v0.10: Created concept, put in basis of abilities, talents, and stats. All are likely to be subject to change. Added quotes and PH Concept Ideas.
v1.0: Changed Empowered Confusion due to it conflicting with a talent. Finished Talents. Calculated scaling and adjusted level scaling where needed. Increased the damage of Empowered Dragonbreath's burning from 50 to 75.
v1.1: Increased Empowered Manipulation to 25% damage (up from the unwritten amount of 15%). Specified health percentages for Break Illusion and Empowered Break Illusion. Changed the health on the whelps in Whelpings to be killed by any two basic attacks from any source. Changed Battlefield Madness (Level 13) entirely to prevent coding conflict of interest with the new tower changes. Doubled the cooldown of Will of the Black Dragon (Level 16). Added a cooldown to Always Watching (Level 20) because it was somehow missed before. Added two new quotes related to Deathwing.
v1.5: Fixed broken picture links, added an unlimited range to Manipulation (Onyxia's reach is far and wide), nerfed Whelplings by making them melee instead of range, nerfed I Am Onyxia! by making the cooldown start at the end of the ability, clarified Empowered Manipulation so that when Katrina transforms the manipulated target will automatically gain the empowered affect, buffed Empowered Confusion by allowing it to affect non-boss mercenaries, buffed Empowered Dragonbreath by allowing it to have the 2x affect on boss mercenaries, removed A Bigger Bag of Gold (Level 13 talent) because it was worked into Empower Confusion and replaced it with Exploit Greed (Level 13 talent), nerfed cooldown reduction on Will of the Black Dragon (Level 16 talent) by 5 seconds, re-arranged my other concepts so they look nicer
v1.6: Basic attack nerfed from 90 to 87. Wrote out the Twilight Acolyte skin concept for her.
v2.0: Added a quote to the top of the concept. Clarified wording on Break Illusion. Guiding Hand (Level 1 talent) movement speed to allies buffed from 10% to 15% and movement speed reduction to Katrina nerfed from 5% to 10%. Watching the Chaos (Level 4 talent) nerfed from 3% to 2%. Onyxian Champion (Level 7 talent) buffed by giving an additional 50% health. Onyxian Dragonpriest (Level 7 talent) given ranged attack for clarification. Onyxian Drake (Level 7 talent) given ranged attack for clarification. Battlefield Madness (Level 13 talent) nerfed by increasing the cooldown of Confusion by 3 seconds. Always watching nerfed by reducing the casting range from global to long.
v2.1: Clarified Dragonbreath, Clarified Whelplings, Unleashed Fire (Level 1 Talent) clarified, Call to Action (Level 4 Talent) renamed to Riotous Action, Onyxian Champion (Level 7 Talent) now increases the cooldown of Break Illusion by 5s and health increased nerfed from 50% to 25%, Onyxian Dragonpriest (Level 7 Talent) now increases the cooldown of Break Illusion by 3s, Onyxian Drake (Level 7 Talent) now increases the cooldown of Break Illusion by 5s, Exploit Greed (Level 13 Talent) reworked

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