Magic & Mayhem - Reduce the cooldowns of your basic abilities to 0.75 Seconds for each time that Ingredient was used in the previous Concoction and reduce the cooldown between casting Potions by 1 Second.
Secret Agent, Coming Through! - While above 80% health, you are stealthed and gain 15% movement speed after not taking damage for 5 seconds. Taking damage, attacking, using Abilities, or channeling reveals you.
Kingsblood - Increase all healing allies below 30% of their maximum health receive by 25%.
Felbloom - Increases all damage nearby enemy heroes above 70% of their maximum health recieve by 25%.
How would you feel about not having cd's on the ingredients (could be while out of combat by default and persisting a while, or a talent that allows it on combat called "combat alchemist")? Or only having one sec allways while keeping the larger CD after creating a dragon potion.
Oh and also how would you see having more spaces for the potions?
Would love to play him, although I know I would suck and wont remember most of the potions XD. One of the best conceps I've seen