Khastiana once served as a female Zealot in the Protoss army; she was convinced that fighting for it was the only way to bring back peace to her people. In the battle for a Xel'Naga temple on Artika, she showed skill and bravery - but when she encountered a neuroresocialized Dominion Marine ripped off his memories and personality, she showed mercy, using her psionic powers to give them back to him. Unfortunately, he could not stand the painful images from his past and attacked her, and on top of that, a Zergling showed up, killing him and wounding Khastiana badly.
Khastiana was crippled, but she did not give up. She had her scarred body placed inside an Immortal and keeps fighting.
Khastiana is a ranged warrior with an AA DPS that is mediocre against squishy targets, but amazing against high-health heroic opponents. She can talent into either a tank or a damage dealer with tank-killer qualities. If talented in a certain way, she can cleanse herself from stunlocks and survive huge burst damage. Her main weaknesses are her immobility, as she cannot mount and has no escape moves, and her poor waveclear. Does not use Mana.
Skin Suggestions:
Standard: Khalai Immortal
Others: Nerazim Annihilator, Taldarim Vanguard
Lvl 1 Stats:
Max HP: 2100
Attack Range: 5.5
Attack Speed: 1
Attack Damage: 90
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