King Rastakhan by Wolfheart19

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King Rastakhan

By: Wolfheart19
Last Updated: Jun 16, 2019
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King Rastakhan

Ruler of Zandalar

I am opened for any suggestions!

King Rastakhan is an aggresive melee assassin, who exerts his dominance over foes and allies alike.


Uncontrollable Power:

- high damage
- wave clear
- self sustain
- healing dependent on damage output
- no escape
- vulnerable to crowd control

Combat Trait

Loa's Pact (D)
Combat Trait
Cooldown: 30 seconds

Rastakhan heals himself for 25% of the damage he inflicts. Active to grant an ally Loa's Pact, causing them to be healed for 25% of the damage delt by Rastakhan, doubled against enemy Heroes. Only one ally at the time may have Loa's Pact.

Passive: Rastakhan's Spell damage is increased by 1% for every 2% of his Maximum Health missing.

Primary Abilities

Searing Judgement (Q)
Cooldown: 10
Mana: X
Voodoo Bind (W)
Cooldown: 14
Mana: X

Launches a mass of dark mojo in a straight line, dealing 74 (+4% per level) damage immidietaly to first Hero hit and marks them. Marked Hero receives 130 (+4% per level) damage over 4 seconds and when mark expires, Rastakhan and Hero with Loa's Pact is healed for 120 (+4 per level) health. In addition, when marked Hero is healed by another Hero, mark is removed and Voodoo Blast's healing effect is instantly triggered.
Embrace of the Loa (E)
Cooldown: 14 seconds
Mana: X

Places a ward around the player with Loa's Pact, healing them for 150 (+4% per level) health and granting 25% Spell Armor for 4 seconds. Rastakhan's Basic Attacks extand duration of Spell Armor by 1 second, up to additional 4 seconds.

Secondary Abilities

Sacrifice to Loa (1)
Cooldown: 30 seconds

Sacrifices 40% of Rastakhan's current health, which after 1 second will regenenrate over 5 seconds.

Heroic Abilities

Bind Souls (R1)
Heroic Ability
Cooldown: 90 seconds
Mana: X

After 0,5 seconds, Rastakhan binds the souls of all nearby allied Heroes to his own for 10 seconds, redirecting 50% of the damage he takes as healing to Heroes with Bind Souls and evenly redistributing it. While active, all affected Heroes gain Loa's Pact.
Uncontrollable Power
Heroic Ability
Cooldown: 100 seconds
Mana: X

After 0,75 seconds, Rastakhan becomes empowered by the power of death, increasing his maximum health by 50%, reducing duration of crowd control effects on Rastakhan by 50% and reducing recharge time of his Basic Abilities by 75%. Over the duration, Rastakhan will loose 7,5% of his current health every second. Lasts 8 seconds.


Level 1:

(Q) Scorching Embers:

Quest: Kill enemy Minions with Scorching Detonation within 1,5 seconds.Reward: After killing 5 Minions, range of Scorching Detonation's channel is increased by 25%.Reward: After killing 15 Minions, size of Scorching Detonation's explosion by 20%.Reward: After killing 45 Minions, Scorching Detonation's damage against Minions and Merceneries is increased by 75%.

(W) Grave Touch:

Everytime an enemy Minion dies near, cooldown of Voodoo Blast is reduced by 0,5 seconds and initial damage of next Voodoo Blast is increased by 5 (+4% per level) damage, up to maximum of 80 (+4% per level) damage.

(Passive) It is good to be de King:

While Rastakhan is close to allied Merceneries, thier damage done is increased by 15%. Whenever Merceneries of the enemy are close to Rastakhan, their damage done is reduced by 15%. Rastakhan's Basic Attacks deal 15% increased damage to unclaimed Merceneries. This doesn't affect Elite Mercenaries.

Level 4:

(D) Blessing of Gonk:

Embrace of the Loa increases Movement and Attack Speed of allies with Embrace of Loa by 15% for 6 seconds.

(D) Blessing of Pa'Ku:

Embrace of the Loa reduces recharge time of abilites with Embrace of Loa by 15% for 6 seconds.

(D) Blessing of Kimbul:

Embrace of the Loa increases damage done by players with Embrace of Loa by 15% for 6 seconds.

(D) Blessing of Akunda:

Embrace of the Loa grants allies additional 15 Spell Armor for 6 seconds.

Level 7:

(Q) Blinded by Flame:

Heroes damaged by Scorching Detonation are Blinded for 1 second and their damage done is reduced by 20% for 3 seconds.

(E) Blood Bond:

After Embrace of the Loa expires, it's effect is applied to nearby allied Heroes for 2 seconds.

(W) Blessing of Bwonsamdi:

Whenever a Hero with Voodoo Bind is healed by another Hero, both Rastakhan and a Hero with Loa's Pact are healed for 20% of healing received by that Hero.

Level 10:

(R1) Bind Souls:


(R2) Uncontrollable Power:


Level 13:

(1) Bwonsamdi's Bargain:

While Sacrifice to Loa is active, Rastakhan will not lose damage increase from Loa's Pact while being healed.

(1) Rezan's Protection:

While Sacrifice to Loa is active, Rastakhan gains 25 Armor.

(1) Blood of Kings:

Sacrifice to Loa heals 25% faster and no longer has a delay.

Level 16:

(Q) Seal of Purification:

Scorching Detonation can be channeled for additional 6 seconds. Every 3 seconds, another detonation will occur.

(W) Caress of Death:

Whenever mark of Voodoo Bind expires or is removed, marked Hero takes damage equal to 8% of their Maximum Health and their healing received is reduced by 50% for 3 seconds.

(Passive) Last Fang of Rezan:

Each consecutive Basic Attack to an enemy Heroes increase Rastakhan's Attack Speed and damage by 15%, stacking up to 60%. This bonus is lost after 5 seconds or when a different Hero is attacked.

Level 20:

(R1) City of Gold:

Upon expiration, Bind Souls heals all Heroes affected for 20% of their missing Health.

(R2) All Encompansating Death:

Increases duration of Uncontrollable Power by 2 seconds and causes 200% of the damage taken by Rastakhan from Uncontrollable Power to also be delt to nearby enemies.

(Q) Plague of Fire:

Heroes hit by Scorching Detonation take 135 (+4% per level) damage over 3 second. When it expires, they explode, taking 35 (+4% per level) damage and dealing 135 (+4% per level) to nearby enemies. This effect spreads once to all enemy Heroes hit for 75% of original damage.

(Active) Leap of Krag'wa:

Rastakhan leaps to a chosen location and grants 25 Armor. Cooldown is reduced by 20 seconds for each takedown. Cooldown: 80 seconds.

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