Upon dealing and taking 1000 damage (+4% per lvl) you are enraged, gaining the ability to Charge several times in succession and increasing Attack speed. This is shown by a meter on your screen and resets each time you surpass this goal. Enrage lasts 5 seconds.
Kraith does not use mana.
Primary Abilities
Charge toward a location. If you hit terrain, you are stunned for 2 seconds. Enemies along the way are knocked up, taking 90 damage (+4% per lvl). This fills up your "Rage" meter by 90 (+4% per lvl) for each enemy hit.
5 seconds
Acid Spines
Shoot spines in a cone area in front of you for 6 seconds, you can turn slowly and will be cancelled by pressing 'w' again. Deals 80 damage per second (+4% per lvl) to all enemies. Fills "Rage" meter by 80 (+4% per lvl) for each enemy hit per second.
13 seconds
Launch a hero into the air to the target point. If an ally, the cooldown is halfed. Deals 130 damage to enemy heroes. Fills "Rage" meter by 130 (+4% per lvl).
8 seconds
Heroic Abilities
Enrage yourself, gaining the effects of Enraged Zerg and lasts 20 seconds.
80 seconds
Primal Leader
Create a fake copy of you with your health that deals no damage. Can be redirected with 'r'. Damage taken by the copy is given to your "Rage" meter and health.
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