Store Greeting - Pre-Purchase: "Hello there, friend."
Purchase: "Excellent. When do we head out?"
Store Greeting - Post Purchase: "Ah, so you've returned."
Ready: "I shall protect those close to me!"
Intro - Greeting Malfurion: "Ah, Malfurion. It's about time I repay my debt, no?"
Intro - Greeting Illidan: "Illidan...please try not to do anything to...destructive, will you?"
Intro - Greeting Jaina: "My,'re no longer the little pupil of Antonidas anymore, now are you?"
Intro - Greeting Cho'Gall: "You! Do not think I have forgotten what you and the Twilight's Hammer have done..."
Intro - Greeting Zarya: "My what sort of magical weapon is that...?"
Intro - Greeting Lucio: "It seems you and I both fight for a right cause."
Intro - Greeting Alexstrasza: "My love, allow me to fight by your side."
Intro - Greeting Blaze: "Be careful with those flames, friend. It seems yours do not heal like ours."
Intro - Greeting Li-Ming: "Ah, you have a very interesting sort of magic. It brings back memories of my days in Dalaran..."
Intro - Greeting Positive: "Hello there friend. Let's bring a swift end to this, alright?"
Intro - Greeting Orphea: "You have the sense of darkness about you, yet...I can't help but feel that you fight for what is right."
Intro - Greeting Dehaka: "What a strange creature...I will not allow one such as yourself near our Clutch."
Intro - Greeting Murky: "A murloc? Oh, how fascinating! Come little one, we shall protect this place together!"
Intro - Greeting Negative: "I am Korialstrasz, and I should not be taken lightly."
Intro - Response Positive: "Excellent! After you then."
Intro - Response Negative: "Do not think me so frail."
What 1: "Yes?"
What 2: "What can I do for you?"
Humorous 1: "Do you want to know the truth of why I go by the name Krasus? It's because Korialstrasz is to hard to spell!"
Humorous 2: "I've done all of my actions for Life, liberty, and the pursuit of the Twilight's Hammer cult."
Humorous 3: "So I go into the fridge to grab some eggs and what do you happens next? They blow up in my face! Why does this always happen to me!?"
Humorous 4: "Don't make me may not like me when I'm angry."
Humorous 5: "*Sighs* All these jokes are just dragon on..."
Humorous 6: "As my wife always tells me...*speaks in random Dragonic*"
Humorous 7: "...and so I figured, hey, I could be a good teacher to the younger races. However...they didn't quite take it well when I assigned detention."
Move 1: "Alright"
Move 2: "As you say"
Move 3: "I'm on my way."
Hearthstone: "Hold strong, I'll be back shortly"
Getting Healed: " have my thanks, hero."
Attack 1: "Finish them off!"
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