Krasus [Korialstrasz] (v4.2) by Therson

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Krasus [Korialstrasz] (v4.2)

By: Therson
Last Updated: Jul 30, 2023
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Krasus [Korialstrasz] (v4.2)

The Dragon Amongst Men

"Long have I worn the form of one mortal creature or another, however, for it has been my choice to walk among you, teaching and learning as I strive for peace among all of us"

Death. Krasus, secretly known as Korialstrasz, has seen his fair share of death, including his own. Thanks to a plot against the Red Dragonflight by the Twilight's Hammer, Krasus gave his life to defend his clutch and his love, the Red Dragon Aspect herself. He was a true hero in the eyes of the Dragonflight, and those close to him as well. Many truly believed that he was dead.

But they were wrong.

Krasus, due to a combination of his own magic and that of the magic used against him, was transported far and wide to a land known as the Nexus. This land, riddled with strife, combat, war, was very similar to Azeroth. Until he could find his own way back, he vowed to help those in need. 

Krasus has long been a protector of the mortal races. In the Warcraft novels, Krasus was a member of the Kirin Tor during the Second War serving as a wise member who assisted the likes of Rhonin Redhair. He used his powers to assist his allies and protect against those who might threaten Azeroth's peace. This is how Krasus will be translated into Heroes of the Storm.

His trait, Lifebinder's Love, reaffirms his connections to the Red Dragonflight and his desire to help the mortal races on Azeroth. Minions struck down by Krasus himself will inspire and heal his allies, giving him more of a passive heal than an active one. However, healing is not Krasus's strong point. Krasus, in fact, serves to work in compliment to his mate, Alexstrasza.

His first ability, Mana Shielding, serves to protect his friends and allies, shielding them from harm. Magic Weaponry, Krasus's second ability, Magic Weaponry, assists his allies in a...rather different way. Magic Weaponry will seek to empower his allies so that they hit much stronger in the hopes to slay bigger opponents. Lastly, Krasus is not left defenseless himself, as his third ability Dragonbolt, will decimate his opponents in a rather...stunning display.

Krasus's ultimates are nothing to scoff at. As Krasus has been alive for eons, serving many roles, he has truly become a masterful red dragon. His first ultimate, Lifebinder's Consort, gives into the power fantasy of truly being a dragon, much like Alexstrasza and Deathwing already. Shedding his mortal guise, he will turn into a large red dragon, empowering his attacks and making his abilities heal nearby allies. His second ultimate, Mastery of Life, creates a powerful field that protects his allies reducing the damage they take while inside it.


Health: 2050 (+4%/Level)
Health Regen: 12.5% (+0.85%/level)

Mana: 500 (+10/Level)
Mana Regen: 3 (+0.0975/level)

Attack: 75 (+4/level)
Attack Speed: 1
Attack Range: 1.5

Difficulty: Hard


-Powerful support for allies
-Decent healing capability
-Powerful Heroics


-Fairly easy to kill
-No mobility
-Poor when by himself

Color Scheme: 

1: Krasus
2: Azure Krasus
3: Obsideon Krasus
4: Emerald Krasus
5: Bronze Krasus

Combat Trait

Lifebinder's Love
Killing enemy minions heals Krasus and nearby allied heroes 5% of their total health. Killing enemy heroes heals 15%.

Primary Abilities

Mana Shielding
Krasus casts a mana shield on a target, shielding them for 25% of their max health. The shield lasts 5 seconds. This may not be applied to a target that already has Mana Shielding on it.
Mana Cost: 75
Cooldown: 6 
Magic Weaponry
Krasus targets an allied hero and increases the damage of their next three basic attacks by 50%. Cannot target self.
Mana Cost: 75
Cooldown: 8
Krasus hurls a bolt of fiery magic at a target, dealing 150 (+4%/level) damage and stuns them for 1 second.
Mana Cost: 100
Cooldown: 8

Heroic Abilities

Lifebinder's Consort
Krasus transforms into his true form, making basic attacks deal 100 (+4%/level) damage and making them ranged attacks (5.0 range). Krasus's basic attacks in this form deals 75% splash damage to nearby enemies. Spells cast in this form heal nearby allies 235 (+4/level). Lasts 12 seconds.
Mana Cost: 110
Cooldown: 90 
Mastery of Life
Krasus places a special ward down that creates a decent sized field of magic around it. All damage taken from all sources is reduce by 50% to all Allies inside the field of magic. The ward can be destroyed, and is automatically destroyed if Krasus is killed while it is active. Lasts 10 seconds.
Mana Cost: 80
Cooldown: 90


Level 1:
Dragonhide - Krasus takes 15% less damage from basic attacks.
Magic Protection - Mana Shielding lasts 3 seconds longer.

In-Game Quotes

Store Greeting - Pre-Purchase: "Hello there, friend."
Purchase: "Excellent. When do we head out?"
Store Greeting - Post Purchase: "Ah, so you've returned."
Ready: "I shall protect those close to me!"
Intro - Greeting Malfurion: "Ah, Malfurion. It's about time I repay my debt, no?"
Intro - Greeting Illidan: "Illidan...please try not to do anything to...destructive, will you?"
Intro - Greeting Jaina: "My,'re no longer the little pupil of Antonidas anymore, now are you?"
Intro - Greeting Cho'Gall: "You! Do not think I have forgotten what you and the Twilight's Hammer have done..."
Intro - Greeting Zarya: "My what sort of magical weapon is that...?"
Intro - Greeting Lucio: "It seems you and I both fight for a right cause."
Intro - Greeting Alexstrasza: "My love, allow me to fight by your side."
Intro - Greeting Blaze: "Be careful with those flames, friend. It seems yours do not heal like ours."
Intro - Greeting Li-Ming: "Ah, you have a very interesting sort of magic. It brings back memories of my days in Dalaran..."
Intro - Greeting Positive: "Hello there friend. Let's bring a swift end to this, alright?"
Intro - Greeting Orphea: "You have the sense of darkness about you, yet...I can't help but feel that you fight for what is right."
Intro - Greeting Dehaka: "What a strange creature...I will not allow one such as yourself near our Clutch."
Intro - Greeting Murky: "A murloc? Oh, how fascinating! Come little one, we shall protect this place together!"
Intro - Greeting Negative: "I am Korialstrasz, and I should not be taken lightly."
Intro - Response Positive: "Excellent! After you then."
Intro - Response Negative: "Do not think me so frail."
What 1: "Yes?"
What 2: "What can I do for you?"
Humorous 1: "Do you want to know the truth of why I go by the name Krasus? It's because Korialstrasz is to hard to spell!"
Humorous 2: "I've done all of my actions for Life, liberty, and the pursuit of the Twilight's Hammer cult."
Humorous 3: "So I go into the fridge to grab some eggs and what do you happens next? They blow up in my face! Why does this always happen to me!?"
Humorous 4: "Don't make me may not like me when I'm angry."
Humorous 5: "*Sighs* All these jokes are just dragon on..."
Humorous 6: "As my wife always tells me...*speaks in random Dragonic*"
Humorous 7: "...and so I figured, hey, I could be a good teacher to the younger races. However...they didn't quite take it well when I assigned detention."
Move 1: "Alright"
Move 2: "As you say"
Move 3: "I'm on my way."
Hearthstone: "Hold strong, I'll be back shortly"
Getting Healed: " have my thanks, hero."
Attack 1: "Finish them off!"

Skin Ideas

Dragon Knight Krasus

Inspired by the stone Dragon Knight in Dragonshire, Krasus has decided to take up his charge within the Nexus! This new skin has Krasus decked out in a suit of armor very similar to the Dragon Knight, with matching shield and blade!

Color Scheme:
-Dragon Knight Krasus
-Fallen Dragon Knight Krasus
-Raventouched Dragon Knight Krasus
-Lifebound Dragon Knight Krasus
-Dark Nexus Dragon Knight Krasus


v0.02: Added talents, had an error with Dragonbolt's picture so I changed it.
v0.03: Started Krasus's in-game quotes.
v0.04: Finished out his quotes. More will probably come soon.
v0.05: Added in Pros, Cons, Difficulty, and added in two new Quotes based on Cho'Gall (who was announced today to be the next Hero in Heroes of the Storm)
v1.00: Added mana cost and cooldowns to his abilities, cleaned up Abilities and Talents so they're easier to read, edited Bribe to fit the current meta.
v1.01: Fixed an error in his quotes, added a new Skin Idea and had to change his picture because the previous one screwed up.
v2.0: Added in new quotes to keep up with new heroes coming out, minor buffs to some of the low-level talents, changed class to multiclass (Support and Specialist), increased basic attack damage so the heals will seem more effective.
v2.01: Minor grammar updates
v3.0: Updated broken picture links, updated quotes to match recent heroes that have come out, removed Calldown: MULE talent, nerfed Superior Shielding talent by also making the cooldown increased by 6 seconds, foretelling foresight nerfed to 50%, removed Rewind talent and added Draconic Sacrifice talent in its place
v3.1: Fixed broken links
v3.2: Changed roles due to the 2019 Gameplay Changes, fixed broken links, adjust initial stats to be in line with heroes within the game, increased the duration of Mastery of Life from 6 to 10 seconds and increased the cooldown from 45 to 90 seconds, increased the damage of Dragonbolt, removed the extended duration from Lifebinder's Ward (Lv. 20 Talent), nerfed Superior Shielding cooldown from 6 seconds to 5 seconds (Lv. 13 Talent), swapped the talents Ice Block and Foretelling Foresight, edited and added quotes, changed original color scheme and color scheme of his skin idea
v3.3: Fixed few errors, buffed Dragonbolt damage, nerfed scaling (it was way to high for whatever reason), changed the Bribe talent to Soldiers of Life for more personalization, nerfed Draconic Sacrifice talent down to 1 dead Allied Hero
v3.3: Scaling was incredibly out of wack. After some calculations, I made level scaling changes across the board. Dragonbolt damage nerfed from 420 to 150. Buffed Lifebinder's Consort damage from 50 to 100 and Lifebinder's Consort healing from 130 to 235.
v3.4: Removed Draconic Sacrifice (Level 20) and replaced with Draconic Empowerment (Level 20).
v4.0: Health buffed from 1550 to 2050. Attack damage buffed from 65 to 75. Mana Blade moved from Level 13 to Level 16. Mana Aegis moved from Level 16 to Level 13. Dragonfury moved from Level 16 to Level 4. Singe moved from Level 4 to Level 16. Added a new talent, Clutchfather, to Level 4. Nerfed Mana Shielding so it cannot be applied to a target that may already have Mana Shielding on it. Changed the icon for Mastery of Life. Dragonhide (Level 1 talent) buffed from 10% to 15%. Arcane Craftsmanship (Level 16 talent) nerfed by increasing the cooldown by 8 seconds. Singe (Level 16 talent) damage buffed from 30 to 90 and scaling nerfed from 9% to 4%. Lifebinder's Ward (Level 20 talent) buffed to apply Mana Shielding and Magic Weaponry when summoned and destroyed. Removed potential talent builds (this will be redone at a later date). Updated links to my other concepts.
v4.1: Buffed Lifebinder's Consort healing done by 4% per level as opposed to its flat upgrade previously.
v4.2: Mana Shielding cooldown nerfed from 5s to 6s, buffed Lifebinder's Consort duration buffed from 9s to 12s, Soldiers of Life (Level 1 Talent) renamed to Protectors of Life, Superior Shielding (Level 13 Talent) cooldown increase changed from 5s to 6s, Krasus's Gift (Level 13 Talent) minion kill heal nerfed from 10% to 8%, and hero kill heal nerfed from 25% to 20%, Mana Aegis (Level 13 Talent) damage reduction nerfed from 50% to 30%, Guardian of the Red Clutch (Level 20 Talent) duration buffed from 12s to 15s, Lifebinder's Ward (Level 20 Talent) now applies untalented versions of Mana Shielding and Magic Weaponry

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Dxm619 (1) | March 11, 2016 7:07pm
For mana shield it would be interesting if it gave the hero "they're ability's cost x less mana for the duration of the shield".
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