Dealing damage to an enemy grants a stack of Frenzy, increasing attack speed by 8% and movement speed by 5% for 2 seconds, max of 5 stacks. At max stacks, you deal 25% increased damage.
Primary Abilities
Double Throw
Throw 2 axes forward, colliding with each other at the apex. Each axe deal 85 (+4%) damage and pierces through enemies, enemies hit by both at the apex take an additional 55 (+4%) damage and grant you an additional stack of Frenzy. Cooldown: 8.
Deal 130 (+4%) damage to a target, knock them a great distance back, and slow them by 50% for 2 seconds. Knockback places the target directly in Double Throw's apex range. Cooldown: 10.
Berserker Smash
Jump at a target, dealing 220 (+4%) damage and granting +75% damage and converting all Physical damage to Spell damage for 3 seconds, but also removing all Armor, Shields, and reducing your Armor by 25 and negating all self-healing for 5 seconds. Cooldown: 15.
Secondary Abilities
Grants nearby allied heroes a 600 (+4%) point Shield and grants you a 900 (+4%) Shield for 5 seconds. While under the effects of Berserker Smash, you do not gain a Shield. Cooldown: 30.
Heroic Abilities
Grim Ward
Place an untargetable ward that reduces the damage of enemy heroes and summons by 40% and causes Minions, Mercenaries, and Monsters to flee. Lasts 10 seconds. Cooldown: 40.
Passive: Hero Takedowns spawn a Grim Ward on their location.
Weapon Mastery
Activate to throw your main weapon, dealing 220 (+4%) damage to enemies and switching to another weapon with different properties. Cooldown: 10. Passive: Increase Basic Attack and Double Throw's Damage by 25%.
Weapon List:
Axe (Default): 100% damage, 100% attack speed, throw slows by 40% for 3 seconds.
Sword: 75% damage, 125% attack speed, basic attacks reduce basic and heroic ability cooldowns by 0.75 seconds, throw reduces basic and heroic ability cooldowns by 1.5 seconds.
Polearm: 100% damage, 75% attack speed, +25% attack range, throw slows enemies by 40% for 3 seconds, -25% throw range and speed, +25% throw width.
Hammer: 125% damage, 75% attack speed, basic attacks and throw ignore armor.
Spear: 75% damage, 100% attack speed, +25% attack range, +25% throw range, speed and damage, -75% throw width.
Level 1:
1: Battle Cry - Warcry also reduces the damage dealt by enemy heroes by 25% for 5 seconds.
1: Shout - Warcry also grants allies 20 armor for 5 seconds. While under the effects of Berserker Smash, you do not gain armor.
1: Battle Orders - Warcry also increases allied damage by 25% for 5 seconds, does not stack with Frenzy's damage bonus.
1: Battle Command - Warcry also causes allied basic ability cooldowns to refresh 50% faster for 5 seconds.
1: Howl - Warcry also forces minions, mercenaries, and monsters to flee for 5 seconds
Level 4:
D: Find Potion - Increases the healing of Regeneration Globes by 100%. Hero Takedowns spawn a Regeneration Globe at their location.
D: String of Ears - Basic attacks heal Krull for 3% of his maximum health. While at max Frenzy stacks, this is increased to 6% of his maximum health.
W: Concentrate - Increase Bash's damage by 25%. Casting Bash grants Krull 20 armor for 4 seconds.
Q: Cathan's Seal - Double Throw heals for 50% of the damage it deals, healing is doubled for damage dealt to enemy heroes. Damage dealt at the apex heals for an additional 110(+4%) health, doubled if a hero is damaged.
Level 7:
D: Raven Frost - Reduce the duration of slows, stuns, and roots by 50%. While at max stacks of Frenzy, become Unstoppable.
D: Iron Skin - Gain 5 armor, each stack of Frenzy increases this bonus by 5.
Q: Shattering Throw - The axes explode upon hitting the apex, dealing 106 (+4%) damage in a small AoE.
W: Stun - Bash Stuns the target for 0.5 seconds after the knockback. Additionally, hitting an enemy with Double Throw's apex within 2 seconds of hitting them with Bash stuns them for 0.75 seconds.
Level 10:
Heroic Abilities
Level 13:
Q: Find Item - Minion deaths reduce the cooldown of Double Throw and your Heroic Ability by 1 second. Hero Takedowns reduces the cooldown of Double Throw and your heroic ability by 10 seconds.
W: Dracul's Grasp - Bash deals 100% additional damage over 3 seconds. Hitting the target with the apex of Double Throw extends this duration by 3 seconds.
E: Steelrend - Against enemy heroes, Berserker Smash deals bonus damage equal to 10% of their current health.
D: Highlord's Wrath - While at max stacks of Frenzy, your next basic attacks deals +100% damage. This effect has a 4 second cooldown.
Level 16:
D: Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band - Increases Double Throw's projectile speed by 20%, increases Bash's slow duration by 1 second, increases Berserker Smash's range by 15%, and increases maximum health by 5%.
E: Stormshield - While under the effects of Berserker Smash, Parry all basic attacks.
Q: The Scalper - Gain 2 additional charges of Double Throw. Hitting an enemy hero with the apex deals bonus damage equal to 3% of their maximum health.
Level 20:
R1: Terror Totem - Increase Grim Ward's range by 20% and enemies in range are slowed by 35%.
R2: Unearthed Arsenal - Each weapon gains an additional effect on basic attacks and throw. Axe reduces healing by 30% for 2 seconds. Sword heals for 25% of damage dealt. Polearm cleaves for 100% damage. Hammer stuns for 0.25 damage. Spear deals an additional 50% damage over 3 seconds.
E: Arreat's Face - Gaining a stack of Frenzy heals you for 3% of your maximum health. Berserker Smash no longer prevents self-healing. Passive: Gain all Level 4 talents.
1: Bard-barian - Warcry deals 140 (+4%) damage to enemies. Reduce Warcry's cooldown by 2 seconds for each hero affected, up to 20 seconds. Passive: Gain all Level 1 talents.
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