For every 3 Minions killed gain another ammo for Shotgun
Primary Abilities
Deals 75 (+25 per level) damage to first target hit, damaged reduced to 60% for all other targets in blast radius. Has 3 rounds with a 1 second cooldown between each shot. Has a 10 second cooldown on reloading ammo. Cooldown reset everytime shot is fired. (5) stack Maximum.
Ability to jump over walls and in-game terrain. You take no damage while in the air
Hover Bombs
Bombs that fly toward enemies and up walls dealing 75 (+25 per level) damage, knocking enemies away. Has a 10 second cooldown.
Heroic Abilities
A triangle platform that appears beneath your feet lifting you into the air for 5 seconds. While lifted you will take no damage, and receive a 25% high ground bonus to all attributes. Only the Shotgun ability and select talents will be available.
up up down down left right left right b a start
unlimited shotgun ammo with no downtown for 4 seconds, FIRE AWAY!
Yeah, thats a good idea too for the masses (as if its going that far ;) )
talent wise I was thinking things reminded you of the game, so like maybe an add-on to jump would be it creates another platform you can jump on/off of and move around the map faster (kind of like a side scroll feel)
boost max shotgun shell holdings
maybe hoverbombs has a fire bomb add-on like the game has
and then mix in some general talents like bribe, envenom, blink, and things of that nature
but I like the idea of adding a platform to jump on and jump off to get around the map, think it would really distinguish itself from other MOBA games
I would suggest changing the 2nd heroic to "Cheat Code" or something of that nature. But all in all, I really like the basics of this hero. What kind of talents would he have?
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talent wise I was thinking things reminded you of the game, so like maybe an add-on to jump would be it creates another platform you can jump on/off of and move around the map faster (kind of like a side scroll feel)
boost max shotgun shell holdings
maybe hoverbombs has a fire bomb add-on like the game has
and then mix in some general talents like bribe, envenom, blink, and things of that nature
but I like the idea of adding a platform to jump on and jump off to get around the map, think it would really distinguish itself from other MOBA games