Level One
Passive: Increases the range of your basic abilities by 1.5% each time Liadrin uses a healing fountain.
After reaching 15% increased ability range, Liadrin's abilities cost 50% less.
Active: Flash of Light (D)- After a 1 second delay, heal a target for 300 health.
80 mana
No Cooldown
Passive (Quest):Participating in a hero takedown causes Liadrin to gain an increased 2% damage versus enemy hero's up to 20%.
After participating in 15 hero takedowns causes Liadrin's basic abilities to slow enemies by 25% over 3 seconds.
Active: Crusader Strike (D)- Activate to increase movement speed by 15% and the damage of your next basic attack by 50%. Lasts 4 seconds and holds two charges. Can be used in succession to compound the effects.
40 mana
6 second charge cooldown
Passive(Quest): Gathering regeneration globes increase your max health by 30.
After gathering 30 globes gain 15% damage resistance.
Active: Hand of Reckoning (D)- Taunt a target to attack
50 mana
14 second cooldown.
Level Four
1. (Holy) Holy Triage- after using Flash of Light, reduces the mana cost of the next Flash of light within 4 seconds by 50%.
(Prot & Retribution) Holy Zeal- Reduce the cooldown of your E ability by 25% and the mana cost to 50.
2. Expedited Sentence- Using judgement reduces the cooldown of your next judgement by 50%. This effect can only occur every 20 seconds.
3. Blessed Soil- All units within consecrate's area gain a shield for 1% of their max health each time consecrate deals damage.
Level Seven
1.BLESSING OF LIGHT (1): Bless a target increasing all healing they receive by 50% for 10 seconds.
45 second cooldown
2.BLESSING OF MIGHT (1): Bless a target increasing their attack damage by 15% and cause them to regenerate 3% of their maximum mana for 10 seconds.
(If Holy was chosen at level one, grants 15% increased ability power instead.)
45 second cooldown.
3.BLESSING OF SACRIFICE (1): Bless a target, transferring all damage they would take to you for 10 seconds. Cancels once Liadrin reaches 25% health.
45 second cooldown.
Level Ten
1. BEACON OF LIGHT- Place a beacon of light on a target causing all of your healing they receive to splash to two heroes with the lowest percentage of health remaining for 40% of the total.
Reduces the cooldown and mana cost of Holy Shock or Flash of Light cast on the target by 50%.
2. BLOOD KNIGHT'S VENGEANCE- Charge a target and strike them for 500 damage. Liadrin heals for 100% of the damage dealt.
Deals 100% more damage and healing when used on incapacitated enemies.
60 second cooldown
3. GUARDIAN OF QUELTHALAS- Summon a spirit of Quelthalas with 1000 hp that attacks nearby enemies for 20% damage
and absorbs 50% of the damage Liadrin takes.
Lasts 8 seconds or until defeated.
80 second cooldown
Level 13
1. Blood Renewal- Heal yourself and the closest ally for 15% of ability damage dealt.
2. Greater Judgment- Judgement now stuns the target for .5 seconds.
3. Enduring Consecration- Increases the duration of consecrate by 66% (6 to 10 seconds).
Level 16
1. Retribution Aura- Gain an aura that causes all heroes in the vicinity to reflect 2% of the damage taken by basic attacks
2. Crusader Aura- Gain an aura that increases movement speed by 5%.
3. Concentration Aura- Gain an aura that increases mana regen by 5 per second and reduces duration of cc by 25%.
4. Arcane Torrent- The initial wave of consecration silences all enemies for 1 second.
Level 20
1. Beacon of Freedom
Marking a target with Beacon of Light gives them a shield for 10% of their max health and makes them unstoppable.
Beacon of Light now has a 15 second cooldown.
2.Endless Vengeance
Basic attacks heal liadrin for 40% of the damage dealt.
Makes blood knight's vengeance global.
3. Indomitable Ancient
Increases the spirits health by 150%, reduces the damage reduction to 20%, now has an unlimited duration.
4. Blood Knight Baptism
(Holy)- Flash of Light's mana cost is reduced by 50% and it may now be used to damage enemies.
(Retribution)- Increases basic attack speed by 20%, every 3rd consecutive attack strikes for 25% more damage and splashes for 100% of the damage dealt.
(Prot) Using a basic ability grants a shield for 15% of Liadrin's max health for 5 seconds up to 4 stacks.
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