Lady Liadrin is the matriarch of the Blood Knights, Silvermoon's order of blood elf paladins. Once a high priestess of the Light, Liadrin became disillusioned with her faith after the Scourge invasion of Quel'Thalas, and spent the following years honing her martial prowess. When the naruu M'uru was shipped to Silvermoon by Prince Kael'thas, Liadrin was summoned to partake in a radical idea: the empowerment of Light-wielding warriors by siphoning the captive naaru's holy energies. Contemptuous of the Light's failure to protect her homeland in its hour of greatest need, Liadrin volunteered herself for this notion, and thus became the first of the Blood Knights. Following Kael'thas' betrayal, Liadrin sought redemption for her people, and with the revitalization of the Sunwell, she has rekindled a far more harmonious relationship with the Light.
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