Lanfert by Zayin

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By: Zayin
Last Updated: Jul 6, 2020
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Adventurous Bard

Lanfert is a explorer, an fighter and also a medic of some sort or how he calls himself, the medicine man. As a bard he never travels alone, because of his abilities he prefers to be in a party where he can excel in making them stronger and attend the wounds of his allies.

Lanfert is a defensive healer with medium damage capabilities.

Base Stats

Health 1602 (+4%/level)
Health Regen 3.17 (+4%/level)
Mana 500 (+10/level)
Mana Regen (+0.1/level)
Attack 57 (+4%/level)
Attack Speed 1.32
Attack Range 5.5

Combat Trait

Weapon Training (Sword)
Lanfert changes his bow for his sword gaining 30% (+4%/level) damage with basic attacks, 1.5 range and every time the attacks he regains 3% of maximum mana.
Weapon Training (Bow)
Lanfert changes his sword for his bow returning his damage to normal, gaining 5.5 range and every time he attacks an enemy hero with a basic attack that hero gets a mark, any ally that attacks that hero consumes the mark and deals 25% additional damage and heals for 100% of the damage dealt. This effect has a cooldown of 7 seconds on every enemy hero.

Primary Abilities

Musical Respite
40 Mana

Cooldown 4 Seconds

Every allied hero close to you and yourself heal for 294 (+4%/level). Healed heroes that have 50% or less health are healed by 100% more.
40 Mana

Cooldown 8 Seconds

Inspires an ally hero making them gain 20% movement speed and increased attack speed for 3 seconds.
Impeding Strike
35 Mana

Cooldown 10 Seconds

If Lanfert has the bow his next basic attack will deal 50% more damage and also slow the enemy hero hit by 50% during 1.25 seconds. If Lanfert has his sword his next basic attack will stun and lower the enemy hero armor by 15% during 1.5 seconds.

Heroic Abilities

Charming Song
85 Mana

Cooldown 90 Seconds

After a 0.5 seconds delay Lanfert starts singing a song that charms all enemy heroes in a cone in the direction he selects during 2 seconds. The heroes charmed are slowed by 80% and walk towards the hero that charmed them.
Fortitude play
70 Mana

Cooldown 75 Seconds

Lanfert starts channeling for 1 second and after that every allied hero close to him gains 25% extra health for 6 seconds, after the effect ends the gained health is lost completely and if that extra health made you stay alive you conserve it.

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